
This is a collection of equipment (note how I dont call it a system!), the purpose of which was for me to sample as much as possible prior to settling down to equipment I can use in a final room I am building with Rives. Needless to say, I ended up getting deeper and deeper in this, learning that reviews are typically falwed because (i) reviewers have specific motives, (ii) they dont generally have very good systems, and (iii) no system is perfect and therefore personal preferences matter a lot.

The room is by no means great but it is custom designed and measured. It works quite well, even though these speakers need more room to breathe.

Happy to answer questions about my experience with all this equipment, all of which is quite excellent in its own way. I have some on order which I will add when the time comes.

Other equipment I have owned include:

-Tenor 300hp

-MBL 9011 monos

-MBL 6010D preamp

-VTL 7.5 mk i and ii

-Audio Research Ref 3 preamp

-BAT 75se


UPDATE: Moved to new room, much more spacious and finally allowing me to sit within the prescribed distance for driver integration. Also, I cleaned up somewhat the amp list: I now use the Wavac 833 mkii (4 box) and for solid state the Class A Gryphon Colosseum Solos. Added to the preamps is the Soulution. All cables are Jorma Prime including an 8m length xlr. Power cords being changed all to Valhalla. Here you also see an attempt to test the continuum turntable through a wavac phono. The sound of the system has ameliorated appreciably and it is now starting to be a system after all. Very happy with it.

Components Toggle details

    • Accuphase DP800
    SACD Transport
    • Accuphase DC801
    Precision DAC
    • Wavac PRT1
    Linestage preamp
    • Krell Two
    4 box preamplifier
    • Vitus Audio SL101
    SS Preamplifier
    • Gryphon Mirage
    • Lyra Connoisseur 4.2L
    • DartZeel Preamplifier
    Solid State
    • EMM Labs CDSA
    SACD Player
    • Accuphase DG38
    Digital Equalizer
    • Kaleidescape Hard Disk Server
    CD/DVD Player
    • Vitus Audio SM 101
    Class A Amplifier
    • Goldmund Telos 2500
    Mono Amplifiers
    • Krell One
    Class A Amplifiers
    • FM Acoustics Resolution 411
    Stereo Amplifier
    • WAVAC HE 833 v 1.3
    150W SET Amplifiers
    • DartZeel Model B
    Stereo Amplifier
    • Nordost Valhalla
    XLRs and Speaker Cables
    • Jorma Prime
    XLRs and Speaker Cables
    • Isoclean Various
    Conditioners and Tranformers
    • Finite Elemente Master Reference
    • Gryphon Poseidon
    4 Tower Speakers
    • Escalante Freemont
    • Velodyne DD 18
    Self Powered Sub
    • Gryphon Mirage
    • Gryphon Colosseum Solo
    • DCS Scarlatti Clock, Upsampler, DAC
    • My Sonic Lab Ultra Eminent BC
    with Lyra, MSL, Kondo stepups
    • Goldmund PH3 Phono
    • Jorma Prime
    XLR, Power, RCAs
    • Nordost Odin
    • Apple MacBook Pro 15
    Hi Res audio
    • Burmester Audio 948
    Power Conditioner Also Isoclean, PS Audio, Purepower and Isotek

Comments 321

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The Vivas are more musical, fleshed-out and more life-like (particulary with voices and midband instruments) than the Lamm/MR combo I had.

With just 28 watts per channel it drives my Giarneris very well, no hint of clipping or saturation, they lack the linearity and both extremes resolution of the later, but the reproduction of most material (particulary Jazz and Ensambles) is captivating.

I understand that the pre/power combination from Viva is even more dynamic and textured, as well as the inclusion of the Fono preamp from them which just received great acolades from the press.

Happily parked here for now :)


Michael - a brief note to let you know I changed my Lamm amp for a Viva Solista integrated to drive the Guarneris... Great amp indeed!, I was wondering if you have had the chance to listen to them....


I second the sponsorship offering for the blog site Michael !!!


Michael - I will have the chance to try a Gryphon Diablo Integrated next weekend in my system, I will share my findings here. As I said I owned some Gryphon gear in the past (Anthileon and Elektra as the best I have had) so I am excited to learn how the company has evolved over this years.

Take care,


That was really interesting Michael, i also discarded some large ammount of reviewers positions along the road, and trust just a few including Art and Gillet nowadays.

I just heard the Lamm room with - yes - Wilson, sounded better than I expected. Interestingly enough I found Fremer the three times I returned to the room.

I might follow the Lamm route unless something out from Halcro, Boulder or Burmester crosses my life along the road... That's how it works for me.

Thanks again for sharing your knowledfe and experiences here.



Hi Mihalis - tha exJadis guy here again!! :)

I am now trying a Lamm LL2/ML1.1 combo and - in my system - made a great match with my Guarneri's and the rest of the system.. Lamm sound is very neutral, dynamic, uncoloured and music comes from a very silent background - great stuff!

I do not recall reading Lamm in your vast equipment reports here (but I might be wrong),, any word on Lamm from your side?

Take care



Hi again Mihalis:

I recall mentioning earlier that I was big for Gryphon gear - having at least 4 amps, 3 preamps and 4 integrateds in the past. Saying that I switched back to tubes and sticked to Jadis for quite a while now.

For the sake of curiosity I asked a friend who owns an S100 amp to borrow it for me and try it in my system (which I must say was assambled around the Jadis amp), I found the Gryphon amp quite dark, slow and heavy n the bass.

The last Gryphon I had was an Anthileon Solo - and I am not sure if the latest amps from them have changed that much from the S100 that I tried some weeks back.

Thanks for sharing your findings here - very ilustrative and enlighting reading.



Mihalis - I am curious to learn if you have tried Siltech cables in your many different setups - as I mentioned earlier, I have had quite a few Gryphon and Jadis gear with all-Siltech wiring (from AC to spkrs) and have found a nice balance of resolution, body, speed and extension.

Thanking in advance



I see you have Gryphon among your vast and incredible collection - tell me what do you think of them?
