
This is a Soundstage Audio Energy Room - the pinnacle of our approach to vibration management. Every aspect of the room, including the dedicated electrical system has been carefully engineered to provide an unequaled listening environment. LIVE VIBE!

Room Details

Dimensions: 21’ × 13’  Medium
Ceiling: 9’

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    Nice visual statement to compliment your gear. I like to idea of removing the corners of the room. Well done. Is this a scientific approach with frequency measurements, or where you just shooting from the hip, so to speak.
    I've thought about a diy room similar in scope, but with the addition of a slight angle from about 3' high down to the floor to minimize bass magnification at the wall/floor corner. Of course mine is a non-scientific approach eliminating deep corners were bass is magnified.

    On a personal note, I don't care for solo rooms with only one chair. They seem solitary and lonely. I'd have 2 or 3 chairs to accommodate visitors and friends. Just my 2ยข
