
This is a Soundstage Audio Energy Room - the pinnacle of our approach to vibration management. Every aspect of the room, including the dedicated electrical system has been carefully engineered to provide an unequaled listening environment. LIVE VIBE!

Room Details

Dimensions: 21’ × 13’  Medium
Ceiling: 9’

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    Wood floor. 

    Speakers custom from PBN Audio. 

    Turntable TTW Momentus. 


    Thank you. Room is available for audition. Located just outside Madison, WI. We have a process setup to work with contractors/craftspeople on the construction.


    Disclosure: I am involved (management, other) with Star Sound Technologies. 

    Room has been custom designed and built from the dedicated electrical, walls, ceiling, corners and door. Supported by science and of course listening. 

    Platforms and stands are a combination of BACK-STAGE, Rhythm and Apprentice. Cables from the Music Note and Sonoran series. 

    Electronics, etc: ASR, TTW, Thales, Merging, PBN.  

    If one person is listening to the system, there is one listening chair. If there are multiple listeners there are multiple seating arrangements. 

    Thank you for your comments and interest. 
