
15 years of listening and a bit more to have this system.

I really enjoy the sound that I can change with the preamp and the 12AX7 line tubes.

Components Toggle details

    • Jadis JP-80 mc mod 25th Anniversary
    A master piece with the right 12AX7 in place ! Telefunken + new ICEL condensators
    • Siltech 80
    Excellent challenger that you never found any more !
    • Siltech LS 090
    Good but not great
    • Home made power Cord Belden
    The best product is done by myself The sound is MAGIC with these power cord
    • Apogee Acoustics DIVA
    One of the top 10 loudspeakers that you should try.
    • Krell KSA-50 mkII
    One of the sweetest amplifier in the world with huge bass. Rebuild from the begining following a fire !
    • Jorma Design Super Power Cord
    Power Cord with Bybee What a power Cord !
    • Krell MD-10R
    One of the best drive, I have found
    • DIY China AD1865
    Really good for the price.

Comments 32

Years late on seeing the inquires below :), but I own a pair of Duetta Signature Series IIs (Music Technology in VA restoring and upgrading fully very soon with all Graz latest gen ribbons and wiring/clamp kit) and I’ve only run them with BAT (Balanced Audio Technology) solid state amps mated with their tub preamps. I currently have a VK-600 w/ bat pack and VK-5i preamp. Match made in heaven with these speakers and an MHDT Orchid tube DAC. The Symo speaker cables are also a must (developed to Jason Blume’s specs). I’ve posted it all here in virtual systems (“Matt Parker’s System”). Sounds absolutely incredible!


Hey Flo, what's happening?


I own caliper with classe audio but have never heard some good things about association of apogee and mac intosh,the diva are the easiest to drive in the apogee range so perhaps it may work but these loudspeakers to give bass need amps with big transformer and ampere capacity.


Hi All

My name is Raj, from Singapore. I used to own Apogee Stages, powered by McCormack DNA-1. Now, Im getting a pair of DIVAs for a reallly good price, and along with the crossover. I am looking for amplifiers, and actually the 2nd hand market is pretty good here. Ws considering Krell FPB monoblocks maybe...

Or - Has anyone tried McIntosh? Cos I intend to get the McIntosh 2300 Preamp, cos its got a really good phono amp inside, along with a versatile remote, plus very good sound quality and build. So, maybe a pair of McIntosh amps will do it?

Or - Should I just go get hold of Monarchy Audio amps? They are affordable, and I hear they drive the apogedss pretty good too. Maybe the SE250

Or any other recommendations?

I listen to everything - jazz, rock, metal, classical, pop, vocals, world, ethnic, trance, lots of stuff

And I just wanna get a good amp, and thats it. No more changing aorund and just wanna enjoy the music.

Any advise is much appreciated. Thank you


Hi Flo,
how are you getting on with the Goldmund? Do you like the sound?


I have in review for few days, Goldmund 18.4 and it's a miracle ... The sound is better than I can imagine, very strange. You understood why Apogge need current !


i noticed on your picture on the divas..they look toed in slightly are they?


Finally, I removed the Kubala Sosna Emotion because I find the Jorma Design better in my configuration.
Plus, I also removed the Threshold SA/4e to came back to the small Krell KSA 50mkII.
Jadis are also not working anymore.


System edited: I am a lucky man, I have updated my amplifier with this marvellous Threshold SA/4e (100w class A)


Hi Florent,
finally received my new front end. The new DCS Scarlatti. The sound is utterly amazing.

I dont want to start the whole amp thing off again. But with nothing added or taken away, I seem to be left with just a stunning insight into any CD you pop in. I really was not ready for that kind of difference in sound.

The new clock is frightening something beyond what I have heard in a clock before.(the clock arrived first). Its like getting some amazing preamp that focuses the soundstage and gives a warm almost valve like palpable warmth to the midrange. It is a lot of money though and cant be called a bargin. But I know of no other way to get that kind of information recovery from a CD.

There is talk of a DCS room correction device with extremely high sample rate/sound quality to take on Tact. Might be interesting...


Florent, I should have qualified my last entry. What I am saying is you can do marvelous things with less money. My system is a good example.


Hey Vince, be sure to check out my $155k system. :-( Geeeez......


Hi Florent, my second pair of Scintillas are being refurbished by Rich right now. He is going to drive them over the Sierras to my house so he can hear what I have here. Be sure to check out my $12k system.


Gratulations then :-)

My warmest recommendation goes to Lamm, Monarchy Audio, KR Audio and Sphinx. DIVAs do not require tons of power . I wouldnt recommend Krell, Mark Levinson, Class D etc... all show and no go in my book. I had a few of them.

Grats on a wonderfull speaker!



Has anyone tried the BAT VK500 on a pair of Divas. I am new to the Divas and that is the only ss amp I have tried. I always worry that the sound will become a bit hard with the Krells and Pass amps? The bat has a warm and softer sound? Any comments welcome.

PS. Divas were fully rebuilt by Richard Murray. All new ribbons and frames were reinforced and dampend.



I'm pretty sure that the speakers you heard in Denver were Duetta Signatures, Florent has the larger 3-way Apogee Diva.



I heard those speakers at the denver 2007 hi-fi and the mid range was absolutely lovely, so clear and the 2 acoustic guitars playing at the same time sounded different with all the nuances that Instruments have, vocals sounded equally as nice. Do you think they are a little bass shy though?


Analog is only depending of the performance of your MM/MC setup. Mine is good but not great when I compare with CD player but the price is not in the same league !.


hello, your set up looks great !
what do you think of your analog with the divas?
I have the duetta sigs with vpi and grado.


Nice system Florent...I have a pair of Duetta Signatures and MiniGrands, love the heck out of both!

To bad your room is not 4 ft. wider, and 10ft. or so longer...those babies could really strut their stuff!



I have two DIVAs and a Grand in my listening room, and can attest that its nowhere close :-) But still a damn good speaker!!


I love seeing Diva's.
The best setup with them that I have heard was in a big room with them well out into the room. They were actively biamped using four Krell monos.

Actually the sound may have been as good as the Grands.



The Apogee Diva is normally around 4 ohms and 87db
Tubes or SS must be at least with 120w under 4ohms.
Only the Threshold is able to manage correctly ribbons. With only 60w because tube have always the same power 8/4/2 ohms it's not enought. Ribbons must be shaked with energy.
SS witch are working fine are : Threshold SA series, Pass XA series, Rowland Research 8 or 9, Classe DR3VHC and Sphinx PJ 14 or 16. No more !


Florent, that is a great system...enjoy!


The Threshold SA 3.9e or the Jadis JA80 dive well the Apogee Diva?



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