

Over and out.

Was that an Omega upgrade for the Duos.......?

Well then.........

Maybe just finished for now!

I'll be back!

Components Toggle details

    • Emm Labs DCC2SE
    Latest Ed Meitner masterpiece
    • EMM Labs CDSD SE
    Upgraded transport
    • TW Raven Raven 1
    German made
    • Syrinx PU3
    Edinburgh built arm and rewired by Audio Origami
    • Dynavector DrT XV-1S
    Top end needle
    • Magnum Dynalab MD-108
    Gold remote controlled wonder.
    • Art Audio Vinyl 1
    Phono stage
    • Audiopax 5c
    Custom version
    • Audiopax 88c
    Monoblocks from Brazil
    • Avantgarde Duo 2.2
    AG Duos with colour coded SWs
    • Shunyata Hydra 8
    • Grand Prix audio Monaco
    2 amp stands 4 levels Duos on Apex footers
    • Audio Note Ve
    Silver cable
    • Audio Note Vx
    silver interconnect
    • Michael Wolff gain
    Feeds the hydra 8
    • Zu Bok
    3 of these on Amps
    • Kimber various
    I have ref. and PK12(?) on the tuna and Emm labs
    • Audio Zen Tsunami
    Driving the subs

Comments 13

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"Horny Brazilian System"

So horny, part has begun tuning blue.

Brings back memories of watching the girls cheerleader practice in high school.
