
9/22/19 Replaced Bottlehead Eros with Icon Phono Pre. Added PS Audio PP3 power Regenerator

Components Toggle details

    • Elekit Audio TU8600
    300B SET Amp
    • Rega RP6 with GrooveMaster mods
    • Dynavector DV-10X5 with SoundSmith Ruby Retip
    • Schiit Audio Bifrost
    • Apple Airport Express
    • Zu Audio Omen II Dirty Weekends
    • Icon Audio PS-2 Tube Phono Stage
    • PS Audio Stellar PP3

Comments 6

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Very nice, me likes! The Zu Omen 2 are on my short list for my next speaker change. Looks like we've gone in the same direction but using different equipment choices.
