
Got bored so threw a cheap system together in my PC room where I do a lot of work anyway so why not?
Added an old Nakamichi cassette deck I bought on ebay dirt cheap.

I was deeply impressed by the sq of that old Sansui driving the Diamond speakers from the Chromecast Qobuz hires stream, pretty darn happy for just over $250 for the lot!


Room Details

Dimensions: 10’ × 9’  Small
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Wharfedale Diamond 220
    Superb little bookshelf speakers
    • Sansui A-2000
    Tidy integrated from the late 70,s at bargain eBay prices
    • Google Chromecast Audio
    System would not be complete without some way to stream from Tidal and Qobuz and my music files on the PC, by far the cheapest and easiest way to do so.
    Use Google Home and Bubble UPnP and it does all the hard work for you!
    • Nakamichi 500 Dual Tracer
    Vintage cassette deck bought on the very cheap that after a good head clean and internal lube plays surprisingly well for its age. Record does not work but not concerned at all.

Comments 3

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Nice little system Uber those Wharfdale's are nice little speakers a friend of mine has the 225s. And cool looking table!
