
"Well, after a solid 20 years in this hobby, I beleive I am done"

But, I guess I really was not...

The most significant change has been the addition of a computer based set up. I cannot believe how good it sounds using the Cary's DAC. I have a Kimber USB (the new silver USB has been ordered) to a Bel Canto 24/29 Converter directly into the CDP's digital in. For storage I have a Licie 1TB Ext HD. I would guess I listen to my copied CDs 90% of the time.

Also new, is the Cary 306 Pro and more recently the Bryston 28B-SSTs and the Audiav Zarcona Rack...

Since the BEFORE photo, the room has been painted, artwork placed on the walls as well as misc other items...

Please feel free to comment...


Components Toggle details

    • Apple Mackbook
    I am using this as a sever only>Kimber USB> Bel Canto 24/96 > Cary DAC
    • Bel Canto 24/96 USB Converter
    I must for any good Computer based set up.
    • Cary Audio Design 306 Pro SACD/CD/DAC
    Great player and DAC for the computer system.
    • Pass Labs X-1
    Very open and detailed.
    • Bryston 28B SST
    Wow, Bryston nailed it with this amp!
    • Verity Audio Parisfal Ovation
    In the stunning Quilted Big Leaf Maple.
    • Audiav Audio Racks Zirconia
    Each rack completely designed and customized for the each customer (with as many as necessary CAD layouts provided), the Zirconia is their entry level rack and the shelves are fantastic and still hand made....
    • Crystal Cables Crystal Connect Reference
    Silver as it best.
    • Audio Magic Stelth
    Each one hand made one at a time.
    • Crystal Cables Crystal Connect Reference
    Ultra Smooth.
    • Crystal Cables Crystal Connect Reference
    Rounding out a full complement of CrystalCable products.
    • Symposium Svelt Shelves
    Thinner then their other platforms.
    • Pioneer Elite 60
    Oh so sweet!
    • Pioneer VSX 82TXS
    The controller of the Home Theater.
    • Denon DVD 1930 CI
    Just waiting for the HD war to end.
    • Definitive Technology Mythos I
    Left and Right Channel but set to "small" so they work will with the Super Cube.
    • Definitive Technology LCR 2300
    Solid center perfomer
    • Definitive Technology Super Cube I
    • Direct TV HD DVR
    Not is user friendly as the TiVo units were.....
    • Panamax Max 5510 Pro
    It cleans up just fine.

Comments 25

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Just a follow up, for those that are migrating toward digital files as a primary music source (as I have been doing), I replaced the Bel Canto Link with the Sonicweld Diverter. While the Bel Canto did a fantastic job, the Sonicweld nudge the character into a much more smooth and enveloping place..

(I am going to have to let the Bel Canto go (email me))


Yes, it does sound great. I am continually surprised at the results of my continual tweaks and adjust to eek out the last bit of refinement...

Most recently, I began to play with the rake of the speakers again (post Bryston and rack additions), whereas the difference in sound between one spike-screw-thread's height and another has been remarkable to the overall presentation...Deeper rake and the speakers become too forward but the bass becomes tighter and more potent, lessen the rake and I lose some detail and bass definition but the midrange becomes oh-so liquid and sweet.....

You'd think after 2.5 years in this room I would have the speakers set where they should...but it just goes to show you.....

Thanks for the comments, John


The speakers, the full compliment of Crystal Cabling and the Audio Magic power conditioner all survived the revolution along with the Pass pre....

I had all the current equipment for at least 3 months before the rack arrived and another couple weeks before I got around to unpacking and setting it up...

Yes, there was a noticeable change to the sound after the rack was added, along the lines of a more cohesive presentation. I am still in an evaluation mode and do not want to prematurely draw any conclusions about it. However, I will be reviewing the rack and posting the same on Positive Feedback, but it will be a month or two before I get it out...

Thanks for the positive comments....John


Yeah, we put a lot of effort into this room. I put up crown molding, painted (2) colors, had 20 amp circuits pulled in, etc, etc..

But of course, aside from the system electronic components (new or old), what really brought things together is the beautiful Audiav Zarconia Rack is so nice!

Thanks, John


System edited: I have basically did a make over of my room and system, although the system make over took the last 3 years.... See the new pictures and summary....Thanks for looking!


I have a pair of the Nagra “monopyramids” on the way in for a review. I am looking forward to my time with these amps.

I will report my findings and a review of the same will eventually be posted at

Thanks, John


Thanks. I have to say, with the recent addition/switch to the NuForce Reference 9 SE "V2" my concerns with my amplifiers have all but disappeared.

My VA PO replace a pair of Super 8s and it took every bit of the VA to really outdo the Super 8s. I really enjoyed those speakers and only recently sold them. If you like the VAs you will like the DeVores - promise. I had them side by side for a while and it was amazing just how simular the sound was between the two.

Before this room, my room was about 1/2 the size and I had the woofers forward fireing. It had a bit more attack, but in the smaller room, rear facing did not work - bass was overpowering.

In this room (22x22) it is much more balenced and the sound is far better off with them rear fireing.

Enjoy the hunt! John


The Distance from the HT to the couch is further then the distance from the recliners to the speakes....

The coffee table is temporary and, yes, in a pinch I will move a "special listening" chair. Heck, I could have stayed at my old place where it DID envelope me, but I am not about to do that...

I want to make it clear: the system sounds fantastic! I am just seeking to refine it a bit in accordance with my comments.
