
This is my dedicated 2 channel system. Home theater is seperate.

Components Toggle details

    • Cary Audio Design CD 306 SACD
    • Cary Audio Design CD 303/300
    • Cary Audio Design SLP 05
    SLP 05
    • Cary Audio Design CAD 211 AE
    CAD 211 AE
    • Cary Audio Design CAD 805 AE
    CAD 805 AE
    • Cary Audio / Silver Oak Model III loudspeaker
    two-way design
    • Audio Magic Oracle
    power conditioner
    • Audio Magic Clairvoyant 4D
    Silver ribbon

Comments 28

Showing all comments by amfibius.

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Themarmar thank you for your response. I take it that you did not get to do a direct A-B comparison between your old CD306 and the new CD306 Ref? Also, I have a couple of other digital sources on the radar. I know that the old CD306 compares very favourably to the EMM Labs CDSA (if that PFO review is to be believed). I only wonder if the 306 Ref beats it.

I got to see one the other day. The thing sure is beautiful!


Jason I am thinking of doing the same as you and moving from the CD-306 to the CD-306 Ref. Would love to hear your impressions of the new CDP.


Count me as another Cary fan :) My setup was 90% similar to yours: CD306, SLP-05, CAD-805AE and CAD-211AE. But after extensive listening, I decided that the system sounded better mono-amped so the CAD-805AE was removed.

Given that the SLP-05 only has one pair of RCA pre-outs ... how do you biamp your system? Do you have an RCA splitter?

When I was bi-amping I used RCA to the CAD-805AE, and XLR to the CAD-211AE. Even though the input sensitivities are different on both amps, the different voltage output on the SLP-05 to the RCA and XLR happily made up for the difference.

Have you tried tube rolling? It gets kind of expensive with all those 211's and 300B's to buy ... !
