
It sounds real nice.

Components Toggle details

    • Versa Dynamics 1.2
    Got it a couple of weeks ago. It came with the 1.2 upgrade kit and a lot of very helpful phone support! Thanks Hunter!
    • Koetsu Coralstone Platinum
    One of Koetsu's finest cartridges.
    • Audio Aero Capitole cd
    Capitole Mk II
    • Aesthetix Callisto Signature
    This is the 2 power-supply version. Re-tubed with Genelex KT-88 (original, not Russian) and Telefunken 12ax7's in the power supplies. Matched selected low-noise, low microphonic Amperex 6DJ8 and Telefunken 12ax7s in the main unit.
    • Aesthetix IO
    Aesthetix IO Signature Phono Pre-amp. Selected matched, low-noise, low microphonics 12ax7s. Genelex (original) KT77s in power supply. Reports of this phono stage being
    • VTL Wotan MB-1250
    The best amplifier I have ever heard. Delicate and effortless. Exceptionally transparent. Now running 48 matched vintage Tung-Sol 6550s.
    • Sound Lab Majestic 845
    The best speakers I have ever had in my system.
    • Purist Audio Design Primus IC
    2 XLR pairs of these to connect the Vera to the IO and the IO to the Callisto. (Primus is an "Asia-only" cable that is a bit of an upgrade above Dominus.)
    • Purist Audio Design Dominus Speaker Cables
    I got a great deal on these on the used market. I could never have afforded them otherwise!
    • 4 dedicated lines custom
    2 are 8 gauge with hubble cryo treated NEMA twist-lock outlets for the Wotans. 2 10 guage with Porter Ports outlets for the Soundlabs and the front end.
    • Arcici Suspense Rack
    Made a huge difference on the turtable (naturally) but also improved the CD player.
    • Non-Ferrous Metals 55
    Blocks of lead to mass load the SoundLab transformer boxes. Each ingot weighs 55lbs. Have furniture sliders underneath to keep from scratching the speaker.
    • MapleShade Carpet Piercing Heavy Cones
    I have these under my Arcici Mapleshade rack and the Versa Dynamics stand now only.
    • Audio Desk Ultrasonic RCM
    Record Cleaning Machine. A must for analog.
    • Purist Audio Dominus PC
    I have 3 of these. I recently tried one out on the Audio Aero and the CAT. Made quite a difference in bass definition and overal clarity and detail. Will be getting a couple more shortly!
    • Purist Audio Dominus IC
    I have these between the Audio Aero and the Callisto.
    • SoundLab SALLIE
    Accoustic foam to attenuate the backwave. Absolutely required for Soundlabs (IMHO).
    • Acoustic Sciences Tube Traps
    • Mapleshade sampson
    3 shelf "hard-rock" maple for the Aesthetix power supplies.
    • Stillpoints Ultra- SS
    These really do make a big difference! I have them under my SoundLabs, Wotans, and between my record player and it's dedicated stand. Would like to try the Ultra-5 someday but they are a bit too pricey.

Comments 43

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System edited: finally updating my virtual system. Lots of changes since I first put this up. I've made a lot of progress on it and am very happy with the sound I am getting.


Sorry C1ferrari, I haven't been checking this page for a while (obviously). I guess you mean Mike Lavigne? Nope. The only other serious system I have heard is Albert Porter's a few years ago. It was incredible, of course. However I was coming down with something that day and couldn't enjoy it as much as I would have had I been 100%.


System edited: Finally updated my system. Lots of changes since I moved here back in '06!


I should really update this. It is from back when I still lived in Seattle!


I moved last year and really should update the pictures someday. The ceiling of that house was higher at the listening seat side of the room than at the speaker side. Quite unique, actually. Sorry I don't remember the dimensions exactly.


System edited: updated the main pic to show the curtains which replaced the shoji screens I used to have. New curtains are being made from UV protective fabric which is much thinner and (presumably) more neutral acoustically.


System edited: I think it's time to re-categorize. I had this in "ever evolving" but it's mostly done evolving now. I would really love to hear a system that sounds better. If you are in Seattle and have a candidate, let me know.


Hi Phd,

Well I just got done installing a bunch of Acoustic Sciences stuff. 20" supertraps in the coner behind the right speaker, "half rounds" in the little hallway leading to my bedroom, and another half round between the speakers. 4 "PCAD" pannels and one "matrix panel" behind the listening seat on the wall, and another "matrix panel" on the wall over the record cabinet (first reflecion point). This is only part of the stuff ASC came up with in their free design for my room but it was all I could afford. Really a major upgrade in the sound. Definitely a bigger improvement than 5 power cords (about the same price, too). So yeah, I feel silly not doing it sooner!



Thanks for the compliments. I'll be posting new updates and pics as soon as I get time. Lots of changes lately!

Yes the Wolcotts are fantastic! Get the Mullard EL-34's (XF2 Single Getter) for the best results, though.



Pacmi02, You are welcome to come over after a headphone session and find out. :-)

Aeneas9: Thanks for the suggestion but I think I'll stick with the telefunken 12ax7's for now!

And Edwardtu: If you're still around I did finally upgrade my cables. Just put Dominus in everywhere. Will post pics when I get a chance.


System edited: Put a newer pic up showing the current arrangement for the speakers. The shoji screens are there to keep the UV from destroying the speakers. However they have a resonant frequency that gets hit by low bass notes (especially organ) and this causes an annoying fluttering sound. So I need to come up with a better solution and get rid of them. The SALLIES weren't shown before. They seem to address any issues with having them in front of the windows. In any case I won't be moving them. I like to be able to see outside when I'm listening and there is really no other spot I could put the things. OPIS interconnects are now installed between the CAT and the Wolcotts. I did a short comparison to the old Museaus IC's that were in that position before. I played the Speakers Corner re-issue of Holst's "The Planets". The sense of being in the concert hall basically went away when I switched back to the Museaus. That about sums it up. I think the noise floor being lower with the OPIS is the main thing, but also the dynamic impact, especially initial transients contribute. Low level detail was also quite a bit better with the OPIS. I also have OPIS speaker cables now, but have not switched back to the Museaus to make a back-to-back comparison yet. I tried the short Dominus IC between the Audio Aero and the CAT and wished I hadn't! It just made me want to go out and buy another pair of Dominus IC's! Next step is to re-wire my tonearm and go directly into the IO's balanced inputs. This will free up the Venustas IC which I will put on the Audio Aero. Thanks for all the comments! Mark


System edited: Cable changes. Thanks for all the comments, folks!


Thanks for all the nice comments!


The versa is not that hard to set up. You just have to take care to level it properly. I did have to install the upgrade kit though and that was a lot of work! It really hasn't given me many problems so far.


I love the Wolcotts! It's best to replace the EL34's with NOS Mullard XF2 "Single-Getter" tubes though. I'm very happy with the bass performance on the Soundlabs. Give them a try!


I am fortunate in that I live in a house and the neighbors aren't close enough to be bothered. At least they haven't called the cops on me yet! So yeah I use it every day and I work from home so it's on most of the time. Don't usually play over 90db though.


I do have venustas between the TT and phono preamp (Vendetta Research SCP-2D). Paypal me a few grand and I'll be happy to upgrade the rest of my cables :).



System edited: Added versa dynamics 1.2


System edited: Well the Koetsu arrived yesterday. Better than I had hoped. Level of difference was on a par with the pre-amp upgrade. Wonderful cartridge!


Thanks Bluenose! I'll need to spend some money on furniture next. I neglected to budget for that! Also you can't see it in the picture but the stairs to the basement have no stair-rail so they better not drink too much of that scotch!


System edited: Added Pic of CAT, which I received yesterday. I sure am glad the audio press has moved on to other preamps to rave about! This pre-amp is really special and quite a value for the money. (Please note: I haven't compared it to the any of the new "flavor of the month" preamps like the Hovland or the Aesthetix, Manley Steelhead, etc.)
