
Years and years in the making. I can sit here in peace for hours. Not bright, not dull. Once it starts, i'm helplessly stuck to my seat. I hate to say it but it's better than live MOST of the time. rare i go to a live show that has acoustics and PA that touch it. All acoustic treatments with Bob Hodas's help (works on systems from neil young to george lucas). lots of in room measurement and incremental movements. like hours upon hours......

The system took a massive leap when i replaced the einstein turntable's choice with the air-tight/lyra step up combo. the whole thing kills.

Components Toggle details

    • Spiral Groove SG-1
    top of line spiral groove from allen perkins. dense and dead quiet
    • Lyra Titan(i)
    Top of the line Lyra
    • Air Tight ATE-2
    Best Preamplifier i've had in this system. and it beat some super pricey ones! NOS frame grid telefunkens make it special
    • Sprial Groove Tonearm
    Does not get better
    • Loiminchay Kandinsky
    TAD compression driver married to resonance free enclosure with 20 coats of laquer, concrete baffle for accurate pistionic take off and sheep wool interior
    • Lyra Erodian Step Up Transformer
    Perfect mate with Lyra Titan
    • Combak Harmonix HS-101GP
    Interconnect from turntable to step up
    • David Berning Co Quadrature Z
    The best amplifier on the planet
    • JPS LABS Aluminata
    interconnects from preamp to amp. best i know of.
    • Kubala Sosna Elation
    Bi-wire 1.5 meter!

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I own a modest Master TSM by Merlin, until now driven by Berning ZH230 - David Berning said I needn't bother to go the way of the Q'z, as they share the same sound on different powerlevels (who knows..)

Actually completely happy, but might I direct your attention to my current alternative:

I am using the smaller 30W MIPA (mains independent pa) and it is - dare I say it - equal to the Berning, as fast, but so calm, I can't believe it. I have a slightly difficult setup in my studio, with a grand piano between the speakers, but the fact that you can hear a grand piano, but nobody sitting there, that vision only struck me with the Audio consulting, so it must do something right.
(ps no affilitation, and what's more, I keep the Berning anyway!!)

