All OEM passive parts replaced. Clarity Cap CSA capacitors throughout (Multicap RTX bypasses on coax feeds, Custom Thiel bypass on coax shunt); ERSE and Jantzen coils (foil type on coax and woofer feeds); Mills MRA-12 resistors; Straightwire hookup wire on the crossovers; Cardas hookup wire on the crossover inputs and outputs; Cardas binding posts (configured for biwiring).
Ayre AX-5 Twenty
Integrated amp; 125 W 8 ohms, 250 W 4 ohms.
Ayre QB-9 Twenty
Intel NUC 7iBNH, Roon optimized core kit
Music server, 1.5 TB files, Qobuz streaming
Cardas Cables and interconnects
Kenwood KD-500
Direct drive turntable, mounted with Micro-Benz ACE. Tonearm wiring replaced with Cardas.