
Firstly I may add that I don't know diddly squat about audiophile equipment. Setup etc is not something I know a lot about. I follow instructions really well however.

I used to be quite happy with my Bose Acoustimass II system. I thought I had something good. Well that was until I met one of you types and truly heard what a great system sounds like. I was in bliss for several hours and then I came home to my Bose system. I was utterly crushed.

Like a heroin addict chasing the dragon I started the quest to get the best possible sound. I had no idea how expensive this hobby really is. I am by no means a wealthy person. Just to get to this point required sacrifices and lots of saving. Totally worth it!!

Components Toggle details

    • Avantgarde Duo
    • Thorens TD-150
    Added SME 3009 series3 Tonearm
    Sumiko Blue Point No.2
    • McIntosh Mc-30
    There are two of these. One for each speaker. Not the most ideal amp for the setup but I had them already prior to getting the speakers.
    • Dared Audio MC-7P
    This was a tube preamp that was recommended about 11 years ago. Still going strong.
    • Acoustic Zen Hologram II

Comments 2

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Great system match! 300B SET amp would also do wonders with your Duos!
What about that turntable? Enjoy :)
