
System has grown in complexity of late (8/06) however the sound quality has grown as well. Pipedream reference 18's have taken the place of the Aerial 20t's. The "pipes" have a presence not many speakers can match, and give me the big sound I crave. The 4 18" woofers are amazingly fast, tight and tuneful. Bass dynamics and resolution are fantastic.

Components Toggle details

    • Mitsubish Diamond Series WD-65831 RPTV
    65" DLP RPTV.
    • Levinson No 31.5
    Like a rock
    • Levinson No 30.6
    Still a reference DAC
    • Sony SC-D777es
    Excellent SACD player. When they said it's built like a tank, they weren't kidding
    • Sony DVP-S9000es
    Sony DVD/SACD combo player
    • Otari MX5050BII
    7 1/2-15 IPS 1/2 track pro deck with 4 track playback head Balanced inputs and outputs.
    • Teac TEAC Z-7000
    I'm still playing some cassette material made many years ago. The TEAC Z-7000 replaced a Nakamichi Dragon here. I prefer the sound of this rare deck.
    • Accuphase T-109V
    Accuphase Statement tuner. Current #1 at
    • van den Hul Frog
    • VPI Industries Aries
    Back into vinyl again.
    • VPI Industries JMW Memorial
    The arm!
    • VPI Industries VPI Industries SDS Speed Controller
    Wonderful speed controller. BIG difference in platter control.
    • Transparent Reference Phono MC
    Phono cable
    • Levinson No 32
    Levinson's statement preamp. I'm loving it. Phono stage too. Soon it'll be time to get a turntable.
    • Levinson No 33
    Yeah Baby!
    • Levinson No 33h
    Reference monoblocks
    • Transparent Reference XL Balanced
    30' run to Levinson 33H monoblocks on mids/tweeters
    • Verastarr Silver Reference speaker cable
    No network boxes for Pipedreams!
    • Pipedreams Reference 18
    Large linesource

Comments 66

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"The slam of brass instruments cannot be heard with planars. I call it cone slam."

Beemer I was reluctant to respond. It is obvious that nothing is absolute.
My ML/CLS does a haunting rendition of brass intruments. Most notably the blare of a trumpet and the coherence of a saxophone. It is one of things that let's me know I am on the right track.
P.S. congrats on your pipe dreams!


Beemer Ironic that you chose to trade the Aerials. The Levinson is a good match. But I always thought one of the big vtls might be a good match. Variety is the spice of life.


Congratulations! You have chosen an expensive system that is not likley to draw much ohs and ahs from your fellow audiophiles. I bet yours is a very natural sound. Even though I like tube and electrostatics, I voted the Levinson/ Aerial as best sound at a the Sterophile show in New York. A tt with a Lyra Helkon might be another analogue alternative. To my ears the Lyra has a similary neutral sound.
