
When the stereo is good, you don't need 5.1 or 7.1. It's like good Q don't need no sauce. Have a Walter Mitty moment, close your eyes, and thinkVoice of the Theatre. Visited Warner Movie Studios once and they had ten Voice of the Theatre speakers in the dubbing room. I thought I was about to be invaded. 

The JBL Hartsfield is the poor man's Voice of the Theatre. Powered by VTL 500's. My fav power amp. The industrial design sez I am a toob amp. Deal with it! Very practical because the openness allows air to circulate and cool those bad boys down. It is madness to enclose a toob amp. Let it breathe. 

Rounding out the ensemble is a single Hsu Research Sub. When the head drops in Kill Bill Vol. I, this sub makes the ground jump.

Room Details

Dimensions: 12’ × 21’  Medium
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Denon DVD 2500
    Blue ray transport is a game changer as far as image quality is concerned. Probably good for the sound too.
    • Panasonic TV 16
    Uses TI rear projection system. 15 years old and still good. The TV's DAC provides the conversion function.
    • MFA Luminescence B1C
    The last iteration of the Lumi B series using octal tubes. There was a C series but that used a different tube type.
    • VTL 500
    Monoblock tube power amp.
    • JBL Hartsfield
    Reproduction of the JBL Hartsfield in Koa. The Hartsfield was JBL's answer to the Klipschorn. The blueprints for the Hartsfield are online if you're into an interesting woodworking project.

Comments 8

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Wow.  If there is not a pair of those speakers in the Smithsonian, there should be.
