
I've put together a very satisfying system, both for music and home theater. The sound is dynamic, with excellent imaging,and soundstaging. Music sounds just great. I've moved into a dedicated room, which helps a lot. I'd appreciate any feedback.

Components Toggle details

    • Nordost Valhalla
    Wonderfully neutral.
    • Nordost Valhalla
    IC's both for the main CD channels, as well as the phono inputs
    • Equitech Wall panel
    Separate circuits for the analog and digital gear. All separated from the lighting, HVAC, etc.
    • Grand Prix Monaco
    Don't know if they help the sound, but they sure look cool.
    • RPG, ASC Diffuser and absorption panels
    I have a dedicated room that is 28' x 22' x 8'. It is a redone basement with brick walls on 2 sides, and drywall on the others, so it is a very live room.. There are asorption panels on the sides and front. There are ASC bass traps in the corners , and diffusers on the ceiling at the first reflection point, and diffusors in the back. It now sounds great. Eventually, I will have it analysed properly.
    • REL Acoustics Studio 3
    Fills in the lower-level information on the Temptations beautifully. A killer in my home theater.
    • MBL 101e's
    Dynamic with great imaging, staging, etc. I can never go back to a speaker in a box. It does need an amp with balls.
    • MBL 111e
    Surround duty
    • Berkely Audio Alpha DAC
    Incredible resolution and tonality. Can't wait to try High-res files.
    • Blue Smoke Media computer
    Outstanding sound with the Berkely DAC. Also, can't beat the convenince
    • MBL 8011's
    Doing surround and center duty

Comments 46

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yay! pictures. Great system, Dave. I've noticed in an all MBL system how everyone seems to like adding the 6010d. I suspect that the 9008s will be fine for your room, I don't even have the two added transformers turned on in my romm on the 9011s. Let me know if any dsp stuff looks promising. Theoretically, if they all work off the same clock, and have enough bits, and all you listen to is digital (did I forget any other caveats?), that should be great way to equalize a room.



Okay,I know the type, lots of money for audio, won't spend 120 bucks for a digital camera to update his pix cause he hasn't used up his One-shot yet. Dude, give us pix of your new system, guys are visual you know!



bflowers I have noticed careful toe-in with my mbl's and I do mean careful, has made a huge difference with the bass. I spent the better part of two days turning them and moving them to get very good, very well-defined bass. I have tube traps and got rid of them. Not that I couldn;t get better bass perhaps, I just don't want to add stuff in the signal path...I tried a tact with WP 6.0s, after awhile, I could hear it clearly and not in such a good way. Course that was a long time ago, and the PARC is supposed to be a different animal...I just found being very very careful with placement let me not need the REK anymore, and not lust after an equalizer...the speakers are 4 ft into the room.



Bflowers, the Symposium 2;s are not very tall, so I just slip one in front, and then two in back. Microdynamics on the MBLs improved noticeably, the bass clarified a bit, and I think the soundstage deepened a smidgeon. On the REL, I put one under each foot for 4 total. The cheaper, bigger version of the Rollerblocks. That was just a huge difference in tonally making the sub sing. The harmonics became more natural, and the bass drum sounded much more harmonically rich, with a more extended decay. Probably the most immediately noticeable tweak I have ever done, with no drawbacks, in fact I noticed waay more positive difference with 200 bucks of rollerblocks than I did with adding the Synergistic Rel sub cable,



Nice tweak I have found on both the 101e's and a REL Stentor that I have, Symposium Rollerblocks, three of the series 2 under each speaker, 4 right under the feet of the REL. I would love to see new post of your system:)

