
I've put together a very satisfying system, both for music and home theater. The sound is dynamic, with excellent imaging,and soundstaging. Music sounds just great. I've moved into a dedicated room, which helps a lot. I'd appreciate any feedback.

Components Toggle details

    • Nordost Valhalla
    Wonderfully neutral.
    • Nordost Valhalla
    IC's both for the main CD channels, as well as the phono inputs
    • Equitech Wall panel
    Separate circuits for the analog and digital gear. All separated from the lighting, HVAC, etc.
    • Grand Prix Monaco
    Don't know if they help the sound, but they sure look cool.
    • RPG, ASC Diffuser and absorption panels
    I have a dedicated room that is 28' x 22' x 8'. It is a redone basement with brick walls on 2 sides, and drywall on the others, so it is a very live room.. There are asorption panels on the sides and front. There are ASC bass traps in the corners , and diffusers on the ceiling at the first reflection point, and diffusors in the back. It now sounds great. Eventually, I will have it analysed properly.
    • REL Acoustics Studio 3
    Fills in the lower-level information on the Temptations beautifully. A killer in my home theater.
    • MBL 101e's
    Dynamic with great imaging, staging, etc. I can never go back to a speaker in a box. It does need an amp with balls.
    • MBL 111e
    Surround duty
    • Berkely Audio Alpha DAC
    Incredible resolution and tonality. Can't wait to try High-res files.
    • Blue Smoke Media computer
    Outstanding sound with the Berkely DAC. Also, can't beat the convenince
    • MBL 8011's
    Doing surround and center duty

Comments 46

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Could you give me a bit more detail about what you noticed changing out the Boulder 2060 for the MBL 9011? I have noticed that some tracks (CD only) sound great and some not so much. It's been a while since I had my tube amps, but I think I remember a few more "gosh that sounds real" moments with the tubes than I do now. I also remember more, gee that sounds bad moments.


I have been considering changing my preamp and the ARC 3 and MBL are on my short list. We have the same amp, so I am interested in your impressions. I still have some room issues to work out regarding low frequency, but I feel like some of the texture and liquidity I had with the BAT tubes is missing. I also am lacking a bit of soundstage depth and air between instruments/vocalists. How do you think your preamp journey has affected your sound? I don't know if a tubed pre (or different pre) can add what I am missing. I know our speakers are quite different. Also, do you still use your PARC?
Thanks in advance for your response.


I am thinking about trying to do something to deal with bass nodes in my room. Thats probably the only remaining significant problem with my system. I have some ASC product in the works which should be delivered in about three weeks. I already got a pair of 16in rounds behind the main speakers with has made a slight improvement. A friend of mine swears by his TACT unit, but I noticed you use the PARC. My understanding is that this unit only deals with low frequency and could be preferable to full spectrum EQ. I would appreciate your experience with the PARC as well as with any other EQ device.


What did you notice with the rollerblocks? And how did you get the speakers not to fall over:o) I have a REL Studio III and Wilson Maxx 2's.


Thanks for your reply. I have had the 2060 for 2 days and have had a chance to do a reasonable amount of listening so far (without the REL). The bass is unquestionably more controlled. As a matter of fact, that is the word I would use to desribe this amp so far...control. I have found it to be neither lean nor bright thus far. I do think it could use a bit more "texture", but it is still not fully broken in as yet. Next week I will add the 1012 pre to the system and a new transport. I look forward to the expected gains.


It looks like we have some similar equipment albeit different speakers. I have a Boulder 2060 being delivered tomorrow. I also have a REL studio. First of all, any insight on the 2060 would be appreciated (does it lean bright, stands necessary, cables or othe associated equipment you tried, etc). Do you use the REL in 2 channel, and if so how did you connect it to the 2060? In my current set up, I have a hum. I'm also interested in your thoughts on the Rives PARC. Thanks for your indulgence.
