
This new and almost finished room looks out over a beautiful and peaceful lake, which together create a wonderful atmosphere dedicated to listening to music. For the last year, I have been occupied with designing and building up this space. It has been a great experience combining further study of acoustics, a lot of necessary research into products and methods, many decisions and tradeoffs, and much hard labor.

The equipment consists of ARC tube electronics, AudioQuest wire, and Vandersteen speakers. This combination has great synergy, producing a very broad, transparent, high definition image and lifelike tonal reproduction.

Bottom line is that the result has far exceeded my expectations. Here are a few of the basic features of this room.

Length width and height based on the Fibonacci Series to minimize variation in room modal response.

An all out approach to ceiling isolation, which includes suspending 1600 lbs of dual 5/8 drywall layers and Green Glue, thereby reducing sound transmission to the rooms above.

Dual sound lock doors to reduce sound transmission to adjacent rooms.

A 100 cubic ft. Helmholtz resonator built into the rear wall to absorb low frequency energy.

Super chunk bass traps built into the front wall corners to absorb low frequency energy and reduce decay times.

A dedicated 60 amp subpanel driving a 4 kva isolation transformer, six dedicated 20 amp circuits, a second 125 va iso transformer on the CD player, and Hubble outlets.

The wonderful ambiance which includes warm clay colored walls, thick carpet, theater lighting and a great Ekornes chair and ottoman.

My fascination with music and its reproduction equipment began at age 3 while standing on a stool to wind up a Gramophone and play a 78 rpm recording of Little Toot. This evolved into singing in choirs and quartets, playing the trombone in bands, getting degrees in electrical engineering, and building and buying the makes of numerous audio systems over many years. My current music listening tastes are quite disparate and include the traditional big bands, small jazz instrumental groups, female jazz singers, and a mix of folk, blues, string ensembles, country and more. I spend as much time as possible at live events, and use that as a basis of improving my system.

My next steps are to experiment with absorption/diffusion on the front and side walls.

Your comments and questions are welcomed.

Components Toggle details

    • Teres 265
    This TT features a lead shot pocket loaded platter constructed from solid cocobolo hardwood. This hardwood has been found to sound dramatically better than many other materials and adds beauty to the overall system. The Signature motor is speed regulated and battery driven. The plinth sits on a maple box filled with 50 lbs of sand and having a floating lid.
    • Graham Eng. 2.2 & Nightingale II
    The Nightingale is based on a Transfiguration cartidge and designed specifically for Graham. The combination is unusually good in detail, tonal timber and tight bass.
    • Audio Research PH-5
    I believe ARC hit a grand slam with this excellent phono pre for this price. The pre sits on a maple box filled with 50 lbs of sand and having a floating lid.
    • Audio Research CD3 MK II
    This redbook only, top loading CD player has a very rugged build quality, and is very detailed without a hint of harshness. You can listen all day without fatique.
    • Audio Research Ref 3
    The Ref 3 is a major step over the previous reference series. It exhibits great detail, precise imaging, and full rich tonal accuracy. This pre conveys the midrange with great musicality and makes your foot tap.
    • Audio Research VT100 MKIII
    The VT 100 MK III is a substantial improvement over the MK I or II, and is very detailed, fast, and alive. It has plenty of power for the 5As.
    • Vandersteen 5As
    This gem is simply the best speaker I have ever heard, and will be with me forever. Very cohesive 3 drivers that are time and phase accurate plus built in subwoofers and amps.
    • Interconnects and Cables (AQ and KS)
    AQ LeoPard DBS RCA from TT to phono pre. AQ Panther DBS RCA from phono pre to pre. Kubala Sosna Emotion XLR from CD to pre. AQ Cheetah DBS XLR from pre to Vandy 5A high pass filter. AQ Volcano DBS from amp to Vandy 5A.
    • AC Power System Subpanel
    This new subpanet is directly outside the listening room and utilizes 2 isolation transformers. No further power conditioning is required.
    • AC Power System - Architecture
    See the AC power system architecture diagram for a pictoral schematic of how all of the power conditioning equipment is configured and wired.
    • Dedicated Subpanel & six dedicated circuits
    The 60 amp subpanel feeds 6 - 10 gauge dedicated lines, with hot and common wires twisted and separate star grounds, which are encased in EMT and terminated in Porter Ports (20 amp Hubble cryoed outlets).
    • Topaz Isolation Transformers 4kva & 125va
    The 4kva iso keeps any AC grunge out of all componants except the Vandy subs that are each wired dedicated direct to the subpanel. The 125va iso is fed from the 4 kva iso and keeps the CD from feeding back any grunge into the already isolated and filtered dedicated lines.
    • Timbernation Equipment Rack Custom
    Custom designed and built to meet my equipment needs. Allows for air flow above and around the tube amp and preamp. The legs are finished in gloss black and the shelves in teak stain. There are spikes under the legs to provide for leveling and acoustic coupling.
    • Turntable Stand Antique Cabinet
    This antique stand was completely dissembled and rebuilt to include a maple interior sand box and shelf. It is very rigid and weighs over 100 lbs before the TT is placed on top. There are audio points under the legs for coupling and leveling.
    • Stillpoints with Risers
    These sit under the CD resting on the 2
    • Star Sound Audio Points
    Four points under the TT cabinet legs to provide for coupling and leveling.

Comments 42

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Thanks for all your help with my recent 5a purchase setup questions. A great and well thought out room from both the passion of music AND the engineering mind perspectives. :) As some said, you make your own luck - thanks for sharing and helping.

My first Audio experience was at age 5 watching my parents setup Boazaks, MX110, MC240' Dual table and a Shure and listening late into the nite - before they even had much furniture to sit on. I understand how the passion can be instilleed at a very early age. I have that Mac gear (Richard M just rebuilt the 110 ).....and it will from time to time run the new 5's.

My best to you
