Room Details

Dimensions: 17’ × 15’  Medium
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Anthem STR Amp
    • Anthem STR Pre-Amp
    • Technics SL1200G
    • Innuos Zenith MkIII
    2TB Solid State
    • Paradigm Persona 9h
    • Torus Power RM-20
    • Ortofon Cadenza Bronze
    • Crystal Cable Micro
    Speaker Cables and Interconnects

Comments 14

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tontoverde - I am using Crystal Cables (micro series) for speaker cables, interconnects, and power cables.  I found them neutral compared to others I auditioned.  I am very happy with the DAC in the STR Preamp.  So far no tweaks to the Innuos.  Not sure I need it.  Sounds great with my set up the way it is.  I hear th MKIII has some upgraded features compared to the MKII so I would spend some time with it before trying any upgrades. May find you do not need to spend the money on upgrades.   Enjoy!


frozentundra - Sorry for the delay in responding.  Listened to a bunch of speakers before selecting the Persona 9h’s, including B&W, Magico, and Martin Logan.


bifwynne -  IMO the depth, clarity, and dimension of the sound stage offered by the Persona 9h’s is hands down the best I have heard in any speaker (even compared to speakers @ 2x and 3x the price).  If you have not listened to them yet, find a dealer and take a listen.  You will not be disappointed.


bmwuk - no plans to run a surround set up in this room with the Personas.  Likely moving in a year or two and will continue nsider setting up a combo home theater and two channel listening room.  For now, no plans for room treatments.  Will make the wait until moving before making the investment,


Love the Innuos.  Very easy to use.  Sounds truly amazing.  Compared it to several models from Naim and Aurender.  IMO no comparison.  Innuos blew them away.  If within you budget go for the Zenith or higher.  The MKIII will be coming out in August (from what I hear).  May want to wait to see how the MKIII compares to the MKII.  If not a major difference, I am sure there will be some buys on the MKII’s (new or dealer demos).  I am using iPeng as the controller.  Will likely pull the trigger on Roon at some point.  That said, so far the functionality of iPeng is working for me.  Certainly does not have the bells and whistles of Roon, but, still works for me.  Long way of saying, I would highly recommend checking out the Innuos.


Thanks!  Sounds great and no even broken in yet.  The Persona 9h’s are so transparent and dimensional.
