
The Cashew Tree, added all my dream equipment over the years.The dream started when I followed my DAD to a hifi shop which had the JBL Paragon age 10yrs 1965 that dream was a long way to start.

Components Toggle details

    • Marantz Model 7C
    A re-issue model
    • McIntosh C-11
    Vintage Pre-Amp
    • Mcintosh C - 22 Vintage
    A vintage Pre-Amp
    • Marantz Model 9
    The Re-Issue PWR Amp
    • Marantz Model 8B
    Re-Issue PWR Amp
    • Mcintosh MC275, MC240, MC225
    Re-Issue model and vintage
    • Mcintosh MC2102
    The 100watt pwr amp
    • SANSUI AU-111
    The re-issue AU-111 Pre-Pwr Amp.
    • Klipsch Klipschorn
    The speaker I never regret buying
    • JBL D44000 PARAGON
    The most sensational looking speaker
    Vintage speaker furniture
    • THORENS TCD2000
    The cd player/Transport
    • Mcintosh MR78
    A vintage solid state tuner.
    • QUAD FM2 and FM4 Tuner
    Tube and solid state tuner.
    • Marantz 10B FM Tuner
    FM tuner
    • Cary Audio Design CAD300SE Signature
    15 Watt class A mono block
    • QUAD II Re-Issue
    15 Watt Class A Mono block

Comments 30

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I still enjoy visiting your system page. You and I have a similar approach.

I love my MC240 and find it to be extremely transparent - but I have completely rebuilt it and thrown out all those worn out 50 year old caps and rectifiers. That amp on my Avantgarde speakers is the cleanest and clearest amp I've ever heard, whether tube or solid-state.

I fully agree with you that very-high-efficiency speakers are the only way to go. You just never get enough dynamic range and headroom with a low-efficiency speaker, no matter how powerful the amps driving them are. I'll never be able to have anything but horns now that I've got a pair in my music room.



Lots of cool stuff!! Including the Jaeger LeCoultre Atmos - I will have one one day myself.


Wow! What a time warp you have. How do the old McIntoshes compare to the new ones? Talk is the old equipment doesn't quite compare so I wonder what your thoughts are. Keep it going! Arthur
