Thanks very much. I'm certainly enjoying it.
The SWARM, as far as I am concerned, provides a solution to the single most serious problem any audiophile faces i.e. bass nodes. No doubt you're aware of all of the various attempts to address the situation. I've spent many hours moving these things around, and am invariably shocked at how much difference a few feet can make when moving multiple boxes (one box, not so much). When I finally got them right, I was rewarded with superb deep bass that integrates perfectly with the main speakers. I have no doubt that the SWARM, or something like it, is the answer for owners of Quads, Maggies, and so on.
Needless to say, they aren't for everyone. Space is a consideration for most folks, so I'm lucky in that respect. My room is also dedicated to audio, so cables trailing all over don't matter much.
Love the racks, and it's been a long time since I've used anything else. One of them is actually the oldest thing in my system (9 years and counting).