
Updated 1/2006

Alon EGR quad amp setup. Alon passive and active crossovers are replaced by four TacT S2150 amplifiers. Each amp implements crossover, EQ, delay, and correction via TACS software and is connected directly to the drivers. Crossover points in the main channels are 350hz and 2700hz, both with 24dB/octave slopes. TacT RCS 2.2X performs crossover (64hz @ 36dB/octave) and time/phase alignment between the mains and subs, and also serves as a hub for digital signal distribution to the amps. RCS and amplifiers have been fully modded by Aberdeen Components for optimum performance.

I could go on endlessly about the sonic attributes of the system. Suffice it to say that I hear convincing reproduction of music in my room with no dynamic contraints. Tonality is correct. The soundstage is expansive in all dimensions but scales properly to the program material, and individual images are precise with good separation. Thanks to perfect time and phase alignment of the whole system, there is cohesiveness and smoothness of the sound unbecoming of such a large loudspeaker system.

Recent, extensive modifications of the TacT gear has improved all aspects of performance, particularly transparency. The stock TacT equipment is excellent, particularly for the cost. But there is a lot of performance that can only be realized with aftermarket modifications.

Where to go from here ? Well first I will finally purchase a nice rack (perhaps Rix Rax Hoodoo) for my equipment. Also I have plans to push the (exterior) wall behind the speakers outward about 8', which will change the setup from the current long wall loudspeaker placement (14.5' x 17' room) to short wall placement (17' x 23' room). This will also provide plenty of space behind the listening position even with the sliding doors to the family room closed. At the same time I will incorporate some Rives-like treatments into the walls and ceiling, and also have separate grounds installed for the existing dedicated power service into the room.

After the room expansion, a 1080p SXRCD projector, drop-down screen, and rear/surround channels will be added as well. At that time I may replace the TacT RCS 2.2X with the TCS.

Components Toggle details

    • Alon Exotica Grand Reference
    Flagship two piece per side speaker system from Alon/Nola
    • Tact Audio S-2150
    Four TacT powerDACs, each fully modded and performing DSP correction/EQ and crossovers with TACS software.
    • Tact Audio RCS 2.2X
    Room correcting preamp, fully modded, provides DSP crossover and delay to integrate mains and subs. Also provides digital volume control and fine tuning of room correction.
    • Meridian G98DH
    Great transport with jitter-free output and wonderful remote control. Since this currently sits on a glass shelf, it rests atop three Solid Tech "Feet of Silence".
    • Acoustic Zen mc2 = zen
    Multiple S/PDIF and AES-EBU cables connecting transport to RCS and RCS to amplifiers.
    • Acoustic Zen quad amp speaker wire harness
    Quad-amp harness featuring 10' Hologram mk2 for the subwoofers; 8' "custom Hologram mk2 Double Barrel Shotgun" for main woofers (single crystal copper) and midranges (silver crystal copper/silver); and 8' Absolute for tweeters. Cables made with special reflective silver mesh jacket.
    • Michael Wolff carbon ribbon source & gain
    Silver/Oyaide source (transport, RCS) and gain (power conditioner, amps) power cables throughout
    • Running Springs Audio Haley
    All components plugged into RSA Haley power conditioner.
    • Acoustics First room treatment
    Approximately 120 sq ft of Acoustics First 2" Respond panels for absorption along the side and front walls, along with quarter round Geometrix bass traps in each corner. Overlying this is thick drapery fabric hung at a 2:1 ratio, with hardware concealed by crown molding.

Comments 23

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Long overdue update... My primary music source is now a heavily modified Logitech Transporter! I set up a 1Tb RAID array on my PC, the SlimServer software streams lossless .flac files over ethernet to the Transporter. Even stock the Transporter was surprisingly good, although compared to the superb Meridian G98DH it lacked bottom end punch and suffered from some high frequency grain. Fortunately an elaborate new power supply and upgraded digital circuity (including pulse transformers) resolved these issues, so now my entire music collection is instantly available without any sacrifice in quality.

JVC DLA-RS1 projector is in house, Chief RPM-184 mount is en route along with a Da-Lite Tensioned Cosmopolitan Electrasol screen. So after several years my 2ch audio system will begin the transition to home theater (still with emphasis on audio). I've decided on Blu-Ray for video source, still deciding among the Sony BDP-S300, Panasonic DMP-BP10, and the PS3. The latter is appealing as it can directly access SlimServer, and gaming capabiliites.

Also a platform is being built in the back of the room, on which three more chairs will be placed. This will increase the seating capacity to six.

Some additional room treatment will probably be added before the end of the year, specifically some diffusors and RealTrap corner units.


System edited: System just updated to reflect active quad amp setup of Alons, as well as some changes in cabling.



I had a great SACD rig (dCs stack) that even upsampled redbook to SACD. I gave up on the format and sold the dCs to recoup my investment. Right now my system is redbook only, although the Meridian does play DVD-A and actually has a hi-res digital output. Alas it only works with Meridian processors. I may get try a G68 instead of the TacT at some point in time.

I'm trying to decide whether to upgrade the external crossovers to Nola EGR III or eliminate them and instead triamp the main channels with DSP crossovers. If I end up upgrading to EGR III (which isn't very expensive) I may be looking for new amplification. The ASR gear is very interesting. ASL Hurricanes and Atma-Sphere OTL were high on my audition list too.



We had our interior designers do the draperies. As is the case with everything we buy through them, they were not cheap!

I would expect the 201 and 501 to underperform compared to the H20 since they use the ASP modules (integrated power supply) rather than the A modules, which require a dedicated outboard power supply, that are used in the H20 and JRDG 300 series. The 302 has a huge toroidal transformer following the AC mains, high end dual power supplies from OPS, and Lundahl input transformers -- all features lacking in the 201/501 amps. The 302 was quite a bit better than the 201s but I still preferred the TacT. Much of this is related to removing the DAC and volume control from the signal path -- the TacT amps directly convert PCM to PWM, and they lower volume by reducing voltage on the power rails. The audio signal is never attenuated. The Toccata (now owned by TI) technology in the TacT amps is incredibly good within its power envelope.



I have found the Acoustic Zen to be quite neutral which is how I like my cables. Trying to use cables as equalizers, which is extremely common in high end audio, is like the tail wagging the dog. Whatever EQ I want I dial in through the TacT. I think you'll be happy with the AZ on your Lotus Elites. Always buy used and even if you don't get the desired synergy your investment is preserved.


Now with the Alons properly setup, my bereavement over loss of my beloved Apogees -- which now have a nice home :) -- is finally over. I was contemplating tube amps on the mains but am now leaning towards either upgrading my S2150 amps or replacing them with the new BOZ amps or upcoming Blade amps from Denmark. You'd be surprised at how good the TacT amps are when driven with a digital input. I used to have a Rowland 302 (based on the same ICEpower module in the H20 amp) driven by a DCS Elgar Plus. Several audiophiles who heard both setups side by side at my house preferred the TacT. I agreed with them, and subsequently sold the DCS & Rowland.


Thanks Transmissionfluid and Audiofrik. The presentation is a joint effort (read compromise) between myself and my wife and an interior designer. I think it is successful in that the system sounds fantastic but the wife and decorator are proud to show off the room. Left to my own devices, the women would not doubt find my setup appalling !

The room treatments are Acoustics First 2" Respond panels (totalling 114 sq ft) on the front wall and front half of the side walls. There are also four Acoustics First Geometrix bass traps in each corner, though they are too small to do much good. These are covered by drapery fabric, which is not acoustic grade but fairly thick thus providing additional high frequency absorption.

Acoustics First products are fairly well priced and, being covered with fabric, reasonably attractive even on their own.
