Room Details

Dimensions: 16’ × 14’  Medium
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Thiel Audio CS 3.7 Speakers
    • VTL 5.5 Preamp
    • VPI Industries Prime Turntable
    • Sutherland Engineering PhD Phono Preamp
    • Rogue Audio Atlas Magnum
    • Pioneer Elite PD-65 Cd Player/Transport
    • Schiit Modi Multibit DAC
    • Luxman G-120A - EQ
    • Equi=Tech Son of Q Sr - Balanced Power System
    • Straightwire Serenade - Speaker Cable
    • Monster cable Sigma Retro Interconnects
    • Acoustic Zen Gargantua II
    Power Cord
    • Acoustic Zen Twister
    Power Cord
    • Audio Technica AT-OC9ML mkII

Comments 7

Showing all comments by thosb.

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Beautiful dog!  Very nice system too, love the many diffusers on the front wall.  Did you try other amps before settling on the Rogue?
