
I started at the age of about 11 when I took all of my Dad's old equipment and put it up in my bedroom. Been working on it ever since (much to my wife's dismay). Let me know what you think...

Components Toggle details

    • Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams
    The original 6 foot towers with 2 "depth charge" subwoofers and active Bischoff crossover
    • VTL 7.5
    Almost perfect out of the box. Replaced the factory Sovtek 12AX7WA's with cryoed Mullards.
    • Lamm Industries ML 2.1
    Upgraded from the original 1.0; and I could not be happier
    • Parasound JC-1
    1 pair of monoblocs - up to 800W per channel for the subwoofers
    • Nottingham Dais
    Modified with Mapleshade brass cones custom drilled to replace the original aluminum and foam feet
    • Nottingham Anna 12
    Simple but pretty good
    • Clearaudio Harmony Wood
    A perfect upgrade from my original Accurate
    • Aesthetix IO
    Signature phone section with a single power supply; but working on a second.
    • EMM DAC 6
    Perfect SACD and Redbook reproduction
    • Philips SACD-1000
    EMM modified, soon to be replaced
    • Richard Gray Sub-Stations
    One 220V to feed the Lamm's; and another 120V to feed the front end equipment.
    • Richard Gray 1200s
    Distribute power for all of the front end from the 120V Sub-Station.
    • Mapleshade Sampson Racks
    Solid maple stands with adjustable shelves - 3 sets.

Comments 7

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Very impressive! I'd love to hear it!
