
Current as of 1/12/2010

Components Toggle details

    • Technics SP-10 mkII
    Updated and Upgraded. Custom made plinth of Phenolic and aluminum. This is probably one of the best turntables in the world now! I have heard a lot, but I have heard few better!
    • TriPlanar VII
    black and silver. I've never seen an arm so versatile and easy to setup.
    • Soundsmith Strain Gauge
    Not moving magnet or moving coil. The best I have ever heard regardless of price.
    • Sony SC-D777es
    sacd, 1 bit. Modded by Richard Kern in Dec 2005. added new superclock and replaced all caps with Black Gates. The sound is much less 'digital.'
    • Pursit Audio Design Venustus
    1.5 meter interconnect.
    • Soundsmith (custom made) SG - 400
    Phono section with line stage single input. Custom Cocabolo cabinet.
    • Purist Dominus, 4 meter
    4 meter pair of the liquid filled Dominus between the pre-amp and amp. The best cable I have ever heard.
    • Atma-Sphere M 60 mk III
    60 wpc class A OTL mono blocks with V-Cap Teflon caps, power supply boost, Caddock resistor package, and stainless steel front panels.
    • Purist Dominus PC - 2
    Using two Dominus PCs on the Classe amplifier
    • Purist Venustus
    1.5 meter pair
    • Harmonic Precision Caravelle
    Smallish two way with the original stand.
    • Sistrum SP-1 (?)
    I bought five shelves with the solid top for the Sota Cosmos table. This is a great rack. If a person spent twice the money they might be able to get something better, but is it twice as good? The picture is just the top shelf. [url][/url] gives more info.
    • Purist Venustus PCs (2)
    On the Sota power supply and the Klyne power supply.
    • Exact Power EP15A
    I don't know what this thing is doing, but it sure does it better than the Tice Power Block...

Comments 165

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Forget it Nate, I ask Slappy about his cool mustang and not even a reply.

He just did a hit and run post or two at Audiogon to get our hopes up. He was funny as hell when he posted here all the time.


Hey, can I do those "things."


Hello Nate

Now I feel better, part of the club.


Under the Sota?

Best isolation results with that piece is 4 bottles, filled with Sota Water.


Yea, I'm still looking. I emailed everyone in my group and no one seems to have them.

I probably put them in a drawer and don't remember where. I've only been out of the hospital a few days and between the surgery and drugs I'm not 100%.

If I can find them, Nate is welcome to try them for as long as he needs to make a decision.


Well Nate, I started looking for the like new set in the box I was offering to you and I cannot find it anywhere.

I may have loaned it to one of the guys in my group, in which case i don't have clue where it is.


Nate, you're welcome to borrow one of my sets of Rollerblocks to see if you like them. They are the upgrade version with Tungsten balls. Let me know.


Liar, you never made me a malt even though I've asked you many times.


Where's the malt?


I wish I could, I would take that big bike of yours out for a spin :^).


Where's the beef?

The beef is you have not visited here in a long time and I want you to make plans to do so.

If possible, bring Cello, Vetterone and any other audiophiles you can get to make the trip.


Nate, when are you going to post the photo I retouched for you. Car is gone, sign is gone and the motorcycle never looked better.

Get with it man!


Nate would like to thank.........

Nate's famous burgers, fries and shakes which made it possible to purchase the main pieces of equipment.

Nate would like to thank.........
The Storheim's frozen custard, which made it possible to buy the cables.

And now, a question......
Is there any truth to the rumor that iced tea and lemon aid sales made it possible for you to acquire your ZYX?


Oh yea?

Mom much preferred me, I didn't burn her burger and I always added a little extra Carnation REAL malt in her shake.

Forgot about that didn't you ?


Yea, that pirate's pretty cute isn't she? Truth is, she has a thing for the parrot with the blonde wig, but I'm not bothered by it.



You mean the bit with the school girl, a parrot with a blonde wig and the possum in a bucket?


On a serious note, your Purist Dominus order is supposed to ship from the factory today.

Good thing too, it appears Rita is headed for South Texas.


I prefer it be called

"What Nate's Famous Cheeseburgers Built"

Later on you could do a smaller HT system and title it:

"What Nate's Famous French Fries Built"


Sorry for your problems with the TriPlanar and SOTA. Bet it will be worth it when it returns and is working properly.

Hang in there Nate.


No, that fast.



If your buying them, everyone already knows they are good.


I am the one that directed Nrchy to GR Research. Nate and I were speaking on the phone a few weeks ago and I told him how much I liked Danny's designs.

Danny (GR Research) brought a book shelf speaker to my home last Saturday and we gave it a good run. It was an unfinished test model, a prototype that when finished will retail for a very low price. Based on what I heard, it was an strong first showing.

I've heard the large Alpha Line speakers on multiple occasions, twice at friends homes here in Dallas and last year at the Denver Audio Festival. Of the two homes with the large Alpha, one was Gary Dodd (Dodd Audio-amps) and the other is a friend in my audio group that bought the speaker after I suggested it to him.

Danny has two new models that will be much better than what is currently shown on his web site. There is also plans for a super speaker, the prototype will visit me before it goes into production, and I can hardly wait to hear it.

I'm getting the same impression of Danny Ritchie as I got from Jim Aud of Purist Audio when I met him in 1986 (only one cable in his inventory) and Jim White before he got Aesthetix going and still having to be paged at Theta Digital where he had solid employment.

Danny WILL be very important to the high end industry. More so than he is already. His speakers have been garnering praise but he is low profile. That will not always be the case. He will be very famous and successful, I would bet on it.



It might be as soon as today that I put an ad here for the Krell FPB 700cx, and the Kharma speakers. After that, I'm not sure what I'm going to be required to do

I don't like the sound of that my friend. I sincerely hope all is well at your household and with your health.
