
Room: Dedicated  Custom Built 2-channel and Home Theater room.
My 2- channel system:

Speakers - Von Schweikert Audio Vr- 44 Active with Critical Mass Rize footers
Pre - ARC Reference 6
Power - ARC Reference 75
Techdas Air Force III
Graham Engineering Phantom 2
Cartridge - My Sonic Lab Ultra Eminent Bc, Benz Micro LPS-MR, Transfiguration Proteus
Tonearm Cable - Nordost Frey 2
Phonostage - ARC Reference Phono 3
CD/SACD/DAC - Esoteric K07 with Audioquest Diamond USB
Macbook Air
IC to  CD/SACD/DAC - MIT Oracle 3.1
IC to  phonostage - Masterbuilt Signature
IC from pre-power - Masterbuilt Performance ( 6M)
Speaker Cables - Masterbuilt Signature (Bi-Wire)
PC - Shunyata Alpha Series ( Various Models )
Power Conditioners - Audioquest Niagara 1000 ( front end ), Shunyata PS 8 ( power amp, active woofers )
2 -Furutech GXTD-R wall receptacles
2 - 20 amp dedicated power line
TAOC Racks and Atacama amp stand with Critical Mass Rize
Clearaudio Double Matrix Sonic RCM
* subs and center channel are for home theater use with a separate dedicated theater system

Room Details

Dimensions: 17’ × 20’  Large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Von Schweikert Audio VR - 44 Active
    • Audio Research Reference 6
    • Audio Research Reference 75 SE
    • Audio Research Reference 3 Phono
    • Esoteric K-07
    • TechDAS Air Force III

Comments 5

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Very nice. What model/brand are the white acoustic panels on the wall?
