
The room makes all the difference. This was a converted garage that the ceiling was popped to 10ft   Double 5/8 drywall with green glue makes the room extremely quiet  . 3 dedicated 20 amp circuits, 1 dedicated 15.  Hidden Treasure outlets. 
Still tweaking the sub system and just getting a feel of everything coming together. 
Low back seating makes it very comfortable and really sounds great in any position in the room. Of course the sweet spot is always the sweetest.   Looking for something that I can cover the 85” Sony 900 H but certainly do not want to give up the immersive Video  for a bit of SQ. 

Room Details

Dimensions: 27’ × 17’  Large
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Melco N1a Ex H60
    Now using this as a Server/Streamer instead of just an Nas. Sounds pretty,pretty good feeding the T+A Dac 200  Enjoying the benefit of the Melco’s filtering and the EtherRegen in the chain.
    • T+A DAC 200
    Really an outstanding Dac I was a little concerned about a lot of chatter that you had to feed it High rate DSD to get its best. While I don’t know if that’s true as the best I can feed it I DSD 64 from ripped files but streaming Tidal and Qobuz and red book files sound fantastic. A nice step up from the Bricasti M3 streaming Dac.
    • Coda CSiB
    Class A to 18 watts.
    • Puritan Audio Labs PSM 156
    Everything including the Coda is  plugged into the Puritan. Great value!!
    • Paradigm Persona 5F
    Sitting on Townshend  Podiums really kicked it up a notch. So much texture and defined bass
    • Townshend Audio Seismic Isolation Podiums
    • Audio Kinesis Swarm sub system
    As seen in Absolute sound . These are the actual 4 subs. Custom painted. Twin 1,000 mono amps
    • Uptone EtherRegen
    Network switch
    • Farad Super 3 LPS
    Bumped up the EtherRegen a notch. Level 2 copper DC cable.
    • Iconoclast by Belden 4x4 gen 2 UPOCCC XLR
    What a cable.
    • Townshend Audio Fractal F1 speaker cables
    Crazy good cables. Everything you want   Layering, texture, stage.
    • Townshend Audio Seismic Isolation Pods
    Have these under everything.
    • Stillpoints LLC Ultra Minis
    • OPPO 103
    Add a little video in the mix
    • Sony 85 ‘’ 4K led
    You Tube sounds pretty damn good thru the system. To hold people’s attention sometimes you have to add video.

Comments 18

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You have created one of the most aesthetically pleasing rooms I've seen.  I share your enthusiasm for several of the pieces of kit you are using (Cary, Uptone, Audio Kinesis, Townshend, and Silversmith).  Some of which I own, some are on order, and the swarm is on my want list.

But, the real reason I'm commenting today is; my better half wanted me to ask if you would share the paint colors and makers you used for the walls, sliding barn doors, and the white on the trim and coffered ceiling.  I'd be honored if you wouldn't mind.  Thanks.
