
This is to document the Ampex 351 deck and electronics I purchased to rebuild. Original condition was poor and 7 months later, Analog Domain has restored this machine to excellent working condition and improved cosmetics a great deal.

Components Toggle details

    • Ampex Professional Open Reel 351
    Built in the 1950's
    • Ampex Professional Open Reel 351 after renovation
    Rebuilt completely
    • Ampex tube electronics 351
    Bought to rebuild
    • Ampex tube electronics 351 after renovation
    Rebuilt electonics
    • Ampex tube electronics 351 after renovation
    Good close up view of one channel

Comments 29

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OH GOSH! Wish I could hear the S&G Bookends, the Reiner, the Aerosmith, or how bout ANYTHING on that setup! I would imagine those few tapes are capable of playing some of the best sound overall in your setup. Certainly not dismissing the Walker and a good test pressing, but that tape player and some good master dubs has GOT to sound incredible!! I'm sitting here kind of like Homer Simpson does as he thinks of beer and the drool starts running down his cheek....Mmmmm...Ampex!
