
This is to document the Ampex 351 deck and electronics I purchased to rebuild. Original condition was poor and 7 months later, Analog Domain has restored this machine to excellent working condition and improved cosmetics a great deal.

Components Toggle details

    • Ampex Professional Open Reel 351
    Built in the 1950's
    • Ampex Professional Open Reel 351 after renovation
    Rebuilt completely
    • Ampex tube electronics 351
    Bought to rebuild
    • Ampex tube electronics 351 after renovation
    Rebuilt electonics
    • Ampex tube electronics 351 after renovation
    Good close up view of one channel

Comments 29

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I heard that there have been a few R to Rs popping up here and there which is awsome. Arnie had at one time over 1000 masters that he said exceeded every source that he has experienced, even compared to equipment available today.

I'm really a fan of analog as well though not at your level. I've had a Nottingham Space Deck with Ace space arm and a shelter 301 cart for a few months now and I'm very happy with it- very musical!! I have an all tube system (ss phono stage) and I really like the idea of the most "analog" system possible, much like yours. Sometime in the future, I would really like to get into the R to R world as budget allows. I recently quit my job to go back to business school so audio funds are tight- I've had to limit myself to only a couple LP's a month.... So sad!


Very cool!
I've heard stories about the "old days" when manufacturers showed at CES with reel to reel master tapes. Arnie Nudell and Infinity in particular were very keen on this as Arnie had a huge collection of masters. Good luck with this project, it looks like a bunch of fun.
