
I'm finally back in the game.
After many years of patience i received all my gear to build my reference system.
My new system consists of a pair of Thiel CS 3.7, a Jadis DA88S integrated amp, Aqua Acoustic Formula xHD DAC, Aqua Acoustic LinQ streamer, Audioquest Niagara 3000 power conditionner, Paul Pang Quad switch, Cardas Clear Beyond interconnects and speaker cables and Furutech DSP 4.1 PCs.
Audio stand is from Woodlink.

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    Comments 27

    Hi guys, I replaced my ex Vitus SIA-025 Mk2 by a brand new Jadis DA88S in silver finish with KT88 tubes.
    Difference is huge on my Thiel CS 3.7s


    A beautiful room and system in your New home.

    Happy Listening!


    New pic of my system in my new home.
    My new living room is much bigger therefore my Thiels can breath.


    New addition 2 sets of the new Critical Mass Systems CS2M 1.0 under my Aqua LinQ and Aqua Formula.


    Added a Farad Super 3 LPS to my Roon Rock NUC and an Sbooster Mk2 LPS to the Router.
    Also purchased 3 Artesania Dampers.


    Thanks guys, well yes i purchased the best possible gear i could afford for the CS 3.7s and the result is indeed spectacular.
    The Thiel finish is a dark Amberwood, really beautiful.


    Beautiful artwork and that is the best-looking veneer I've ever seen on the Thiels, which are among my favorite speakers as well.  Congrats--your system must sound spectacular.


    A beautiful room and system!
    Happy Listening!


    New update and big changes on my future rig.
    I'm not going to be able to build the reference system of my dreams within the next few years therefore since i don't want to stay without a system during this time i have decided to purchase for the second time a pair of Thiel CS 3.7s, a Gryphon Diablo 300 to drive them and a Totaldac d1-Direct + streaming option.
    Cabling will be Gryphon speaker and interconnect and Audioquest power cabling.
    Will also purchase a Melco S100 switch for better Qobuz streaming.
    I should build this rig in february 2021.


    Hi Thieliste,

    If you like, give me a call, we do a lot of brands that you are considering :-)

    Kind regards,


    New update on my upcoming build for winter 2020-2021.
    I finally decided to sell my beloved Thiel CS 3.7s for a substantial upgrade : Borresen 03s.
    My Thiels were sold early 2020.
    I will be lucky to have a very nice budget to build my end game system.
    My upcoming reference system will consist of Borresen 03 speakers, Gryphon Mephisto stereo amp, CH Precision L1 preamp + X1, Totaldac d1-Twelve mk2 DAC, Pink Faun 2.16X music server, Ansuz D2 full loom cables, Artesania Exoteryc Racks.
    Let me know what you think of my choice.


    Hi guys thanks for your kind words.
    Here is an update on my new build coming next winter, i decided i will go all out assault in a dedicated listening room.
    The CS 3.7s will be the heart of the system driven by Aries Cerat Impera II Ref preamp and Concero 65 monoblocks.
    The digital part will be Totaldac d1-Twelve mk2, Paul Pang FC10 Music server and Paul Pang Twin OCXO dual switchs.
    Cabling might be Sablon Audio.


    Just love those speakers, congrats. Can you state the dimensions of your room (office). How is the sound in what looks like a smallish room?


    Compliment thieliste, your system based on Thiel 3.7 is my dream albeit for the moment I'm very happy with my 3.6.
    Concerning the amp choice I vote for T+A solution , with no doubt, I had the pleasure to listen to every HV series component and with some different source and speakers: I remember always great performance.


    How'd you choose the Cardas Golden Cross ICs?


    Update on the gear i'm considering to upgrade my system, after reflexion i will most likely lower the budget for this system and purchase a top notch integrated amp instead of separates.
    On my short list i have the T+A PA 3100 HV + separate PSU or the Gryphon Diablo 300.
    For the sources part most probably the Totaldac d1-Seven + d1- server 2 box version.
    Cables yet to be determined.


    Hi guys no updates yet but have different options for my future system upgrade like for ex a D'agostino Classic stereo amp with an Audio Research Ref 6 preamp, DAC Aqua Formula xHD or Totaldac Seven and for the streaming Amare Musica Diamond server or DCS Network Bridge.


    Very nice. My kind of system with minimal equipment. Bet it sounds really good.


    Any new updates to your system?
    Happy Listening!



    Done any listening for the " next" step? Of equipment?

    You had some fantastic electronics choices?



    I have pair of 3.7 also.Just added a passive 12 inch B&w sub with them and I think I found my forever speakers! Mine are the Les Paul Edition 3.7s.


    By the way frozentundra you have a very nice system!


    Hi frozentundra, i bought them used in november 2014 but didn't use them until this autumn.
    I also bought them when i was told that Thiel were stopping the production.
    I've put this little system together last november.
    Before that i was using my Dynaudio XEO 3 via USB to listen to my music.
    I don't think i will upgrade this system because i bought the 3.7s in the first place to build a reference system with new gear.
     I d'ont know when i will have the budget to build this project but meanwhile i use my 3.7s this way.
    Amp gear that i'm considering for this system are Ypsilon electronics, Dartzeel, Dan D'agostino, Aesthetix and Karan Acoustics.
    For the digital part Totaldac twelve or CH Precision C1+X1.
    Later will come the analog part with probably a Bergmann turntable.



    I'm jealous,  3.7's!    How long have you had them or did you just find them used?
    Classe & Hegel is good " smooth" start, along with cables

    What's on the horizon for possible upgrades?



    Thanks guys, yes surprisingly the Classé is able to drive the 3.7s.
    A very good little integrated, the Hegel is also a very good sounding DAC.


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