
Hi everyone,
Just want to introduce my  budget system.

I am using it in a 2.0 setup for music and even if my room is not optimal I have never enjoyed my music that much.

System: CD/SACD through Denon DCD-1600NE  - Rotel A12 - Tannoy Legacy Eaton
Room: about 12 x18 x 8,  speakers are on custom built stands (22" high)  about 7' apart and 28" from the front wall. Sitting position about 7' from the speakers. 

I know this system can't compete with a lot of system I drool over on this site but it is mine and I love it!


Room Details

Dimensions: 12’ × 18’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Denon DCD-1600NE
    CD/SACD player
    • Rotel A12
    Integrated Amplifier
    • Tannoy Legacy Eaton
    • Van Den Hul The Clearwater
    Speaker Cables
    • Van Den Hul The Name
    • iFi Audio AC iPurifier
    • Wireworld Matrix 2
    Power Strip
    • Wireworld Aurora 7
    Power cable
    • Liberty Acoustics Plus
    Power cable (×2)

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Nothing to be ashamed of! You have the Eaton's nicely set up in a room that is the appropriate size, so as a long time Tannoy maven, I believe you are very happy with them!

Enjoy, regards,
