
Elegant, compact, coherent and cohesive, the system easily fits into a Hummer for easy transport from the Armageddon that surely awaits southern California.

Just kidding. My two Prius Hybrids will spirit us to Nirvana as soon as I can teach the preamp to drive.

Components Toggle details

    • Steinway M
    The real front end.
    • Meridian Sooloos
    Control 10; 3 TB storage. 5000 in so far. Lossless
    • Audio Research DAC 8
    USB input
    • Magnum Dynalab MD 609t
    • Magnum Dynalab MD 106t
    Probably my most used source.
    • Boulder 2010
    Best I've heard
    • Boulder 1060
    Took some scratch but cured the itch.
    • Kimber Select KS 1136
    Took me awhile to appreciate the extra body of this cable
    • Kimber Select KS 1116
    balanced, greater stranding, all copper; for subwoofer
    • Kimber Select KS 6065
    Most audibly nonexistent cables I suppose I haven't heard?
    • YG Acoustics Anat Reference II Studio
    Audio Immediacy. Combines the best of stats and cones. The obnoxious ads are unfortunate impediments to audiophile sensibilities. Surely a good thing.
    • Audience aR6-T
    the hype is real
    • Audience Au24 powerChords
    Nice synergy with the aR6-T
    • Finite Elemente Pagode Master Reference HD13
    Black Pearl finish. The improvements are not subtle.

Comments 53

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How do you like the Soloos system ? Compared it to any high-class cd-players like Wadia 381 or S7 beforehand ?
Have you ever compared the Boulder 1010 to other top-notch pre-amps ? How do you like the onboard phono stage ?


Khyris: like you Lichtenstein and Warhol stuff on the wall. Boulder is nice gear as well ;-)
