
This is a friend's set-up.

There are three WAVAC amps in here:

1.) WAVAC SH-833 Anniversary Edition= $350,000.00 ONLY

2.) WAVAC SH-833 Mark II=$150,000.00

3.) WAVAC SH-833=$70,000.00

4.) Pass Labs X1000 Monoblock (for the Bass-Hidden from view)=$24,000 /pair

Components Toggle details

    • WAVAC SH-833
    This is a friend's set-up in Chicago, IL.
    • Legacy Audio Helix
    Legacy's Top Speaker
    • Accuphase DP-100
    SACD/CD Transport

Comments 29

Wow! Holy Chicken Lips!
Thank you for letting me see (not only "stereo heaven", but) the face of the audio god. Again, wow! I am sure that one could listen with an ear to ear grin for eternity.
Respectfully impressed,
David D. Kraft

[email protected]

And Orchestra it is!!!

This system produces music at its true scale.


Any info on the source feeding this monstrosity? I see an Accuphase transport, but no DAC. I wonder how this affects the local power grid when powered up?


Oh me gosh, etc.
Have you listened to this set-up? Can you try listening to a full orchestra and tell us what it's like? Best


Showing 26 - 29 of 29 posts