
This is a friend's set-up.

There are three WAVAC amps in here:

1.) WAVAC SH-833 Anniversary Edition= $350,000.00 ONLY

2.) WAVAC SH-833 Mark II=$150,000.00

3.) WAVAC SH-833=$70,000.00

4.) Pass Labs X1000 Monoblock (for the Bass-Hidden from view)=$24,000 /pair

Components Toggle details

    • WAVAC SH-833
    This is a friend's set-up in Chicago, IL.
    • Legacy Audio Helix
    Legacy's Top Speaker
    • Accuphase DP-100
    SACD/CD Transport

Comments 29

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Sdatch- The top piece is the transport(DP-100 or Dp-90), the one below with the display is an accuphase DG-38 and the piece below that is a digital preamp(probably a DC-330 or possibly the DC-300). Having owned accuphase seperates in previous system configurations, that is the weak link in the system. By todays standards accuphase is middle of the road at best- its scary how quickly digital changes, but quite enjoyable as it improves.

I have never seen those speakers in real life, I wonder how they sound? I have to wonder about the comb effect with the midrange drivers configured the way they are. In any case its a very interesting combonation of equipment, it must be something to hear it!

Also are you sure those amps listed properly? Because the amps on the floor look like HE-833 standard non-anniversary. What are the other SH-833's sitting on? Are those the power supplies? I was under the impression a single SH-833 consisted of 4 chassis per channel. The only reason I noticed all of this is because I have been considering a 805 myself and looking into there products lately.
