
This is a friend's set-up.

There are three WAVAC amps in here:

1.) WAVAC SH-833 Anniversary Edition= $350,000.00 ONLY

2.) WAVAC SH-833 Mark II=$150,000.00

3.) WAVAC SH-833=$70,000.00

4.) Pass Labs X1000 Monoblock (for the Bass-Hidden from view)=$24,000 /pair

Components Toggle details

    • WAVAC SH-833
    This is a friend's set-up in Chicago, IL.
    • Legacy Audio Helix
    Legacy's Top Speaker
    • Accuphase DP-100
    SACD/CD Transport

Comments 29

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what amps did you compare to the Wavacs? and why Wavac?

i ask, b/c i own a Wavac myself (572, 55wpc SET, and you can have it when i'm dead). i know it has a house sound, and its colored, but its so damn musical in my setup (WP6s w/ transparent cabling)that i cannot consider its removal. i'm just wondering how the wavac stands up to other superamps (lamm, atmasphere, etc).

