Room Details

Dimensions: 22’ × 13’  Medium
Ceiling: 9’

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    • Avantgarde Duo omega
    Horn speakers 107db/w 16ohm
    • AGD Productions Audion Mkiii Gallium Nitride MOSFET Monoblocks
    These amps replaced my Atmasphere S30 OTL amp. The AGD Audions are better in every way and are less costly to run/maintain. These amps deliver a fantastic soundstage with truly superb transients. My aim is to create a 'live' sound and with a live recording these amps really take you to the venue.

    The KT88 'valve' is actually the GanFET power stage. I purchased these amps in Mkii version and was able to easily update to Mkiii status simply by swapping with new Gantubes. The Mkii Audion was fabulous but the Mkiii Audion is even better. There is more detail even at very low level and the dynamics are even more startling. I'm not great at describing things in audiophile terms but with the Audions I just feel the music is more enjoyable. 
    • Mola Mola Makua Pre + phono
    Makua pre-amp with built in phono stage. The pre-amp is excellent and is a great match for my system as the volume is controlled by relays directly adjusting the gain rather than through a resistor type volume control. 

    The phono stage was a real eye/ear-opener and is a bargain in high end terms. You can make gain and loading adjustments from the Mola Mola app along with loads of different EQ curves.
    • Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC
    Almost analogue sounding DAC with excellent app. Runs surprisingly warm and I leave powered up for best sound.
    • TechDAS Air Force V / SME V / Dynavector XV-1t
    Strange looking turntable but really enjoyable to listen to. Somehow surface noise has become virtually non-existent and music jumps out at you. This replaced an Avid Acutus.
    • Auralic Aries G2 Streamer
    • PS Audio P10 power plant
    • REL Acoustics S812 Subwoofer
    I have a single REL S812 just behind me. Having it really close behind me reduces peak/troughs at the listening position.

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Beautiful system but as a Scottish Terrier lover had to comment on that beautiful dog, we lost ours a year ago and am still mourning, what a wonderful breed.
