
Speaker      : Gryphon Poseidon
Power Amp : Gryphon Mephisto Stereo
Pre Amp      : Gryphon Pandora with Legato Legacy Phono Module
Interconnect: Nordost Odin
Speaker cable :Nordost Odin
Power cord :  Nordost Odin
Turntable     : Kuzma XL4 with Airline tangential Arm
Cartridge      :Clearaudio Gold Finger Statement
CD and LP    :might be more than15,000 ( estimated)

Room Details

Dimensions: 28’ × 20’  X large
Ceiling: 9’

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    Comments 45

    Showing all comments by chris_chan.

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    Originally the back wall was used as CD wall in fact  , then one by one change to diffuser as you see in recent month.

    I will post more pictures of the evolve.

    And you're right about screen, I intend to add 175 screed over the back wall soon.


    Thanks for the overwhelming comment and kind words.
    I will try to reply as many as possible since English is not my mother tongue.

    Masoni , the cable elevators was custom made for Nordost Odin Speaker to fit the flat cable into the machined gap of foot cone (stainless steel)

    See the new added picture of foot cone 
