
An update is past due.  Previously, I had tried using a long wall arrangement, and while the room looked very nice, that orientation was hardly ideal from a sonic perspective.   Since this is a dedicated room, I can take some liberties with appearance.  For the most part, this is my man cave.  My wife rarely joins me for listening sessions.  I do have a decent 2nd system downstairs that the family  can enjoy for casual listening.   I've replaced the Coincident Frankensteins with Atma-Sphere M-60s, and my ModWright Sony 5400 ES was sold since it was rarely used after I had the HAPZ1ES modded.  With the benefit of consultation with one of our Audiogon gurus, I extensively modified the speaker crossovers.  This was one of the best things I ever did.  Amazing difference!  Another recent change was removing the old Berber carpeting.  I selected some luxury vinyl planks.  My flooring guy had concerns about using hardwoods in the bonus room, so I went with the flooring you see depicted.  I think it is very attractive and the room sounds much better than when it was carpeted.

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 14’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Coincident Speaker Tech Super Victory II
    Full range floor standers in rosewood. I recently rebuilt the crossovers and what a difference!  All of the stock Solen caps and resistors were replaced.  I used a Jupiter Copper foil with a Duelund Silver as a by-pass, followed by a Path resistor, for the tweeter.  A Janzen Alumen-Z and Mills resistor was used for the midrange.  Finally, Clarity CSA and Mills resistors were used for the woofer.  The stock Solen inductors were left in place.   These modifications completely changed the character of these speakers.  Prior to modification, these speakers were laid back almost to the point of being rather boring.  I could not be happier with the results.  I replaced the stock outrigger spikes with Herbie's Audio Lab Fat Gliders.
    • Coincident Speaker Tech Statement Line Stage
    CSL equipped with Psvane WE replica 101D tubes.  I've got an Synergistic Research Black fuse in this unit.  I bought several of those fuses for the system back a few years ago.  The preamp seemed to benefit more that the other components.  The preamp is powered by the PS Audio P-10 via a PS Audio Statement power chord.  I found that the performance of this preamp is noticeably improve by close physical proximity to the Audio Magic Mini Ref II, apparently due to the Mini Ref's pulse gen activity.
    • ModWright Sony HAPZ1
    ModWright HAPZ1 server equipped with Telefunken 6922 tubes. I am using a MW PS 9.0 power supply currently fitted with a Canadian Westinghouse VU-71 rectifier. This rectifier is my favorite 5U4 type tube. I am also using an Audio Magic Illusion Umbilical to the HAPZ1, which offers a substantial improvement over the stock Truth umbilical.   VH Audio AirSine PCs are utilized on both the power supply and server.
    • Mapleshade Custom Design
    The rack is  a custom design 42" wide unit and uses three 4" solid maple shelves.
    • PS Audio P10
    P10 power regenerator. Substantially reduces AC harmonic distortion and allows adjustment and regulation of AC voltage. Power suppy to the P10 is via a Voodoo Air Dragon PC.
    • Audio Magic Mini Ref II
    Power purifier with Pulse Gen II module.
    • Audio Magic Standard PEA modules
    Don't ask me how or why these things work but they do.
    • Audio Magic Blue dot
    Grounds cleaner
    • Wood Shed 1002-3 CD rack
    Large Oak CD rack. Stained to match mapleshade racks.
    • Wood Shed 1002-3 CD rack
    Solid Oak CD rack. Stained to match Mapleshade rack.
    • VH Audio Symmetry Ag Balanced
    This is a really wonderful balanced IC, which I am running from the HAPZ1 to the preamp.
    • Atma-Sphere M-60
    The M-60's were purchased new and I elected to go for both the V-Cap and power supply upgrades.   Having not heard the amps in stock form, I can't say how much improvement these upgrades offer.  I can say that I am very pleased with these amps. They bumped the excellent Coincident Frankenstein 300Bs from the system, which is not an easy task. Power tubes are SED Winged-C 6AS7s.  For the 6SN7 tubes, I am currently using one RCA grey glass in the left back outside position, with a Sylvania Bad Boy in the middle slot and the new Sophia blue glass tubes in the right back outside position.    I recently replaced GE 6SN7 GTAs in the isolated front (driver) position with Shuguang WE plus tubes.  Though the new Sophias and Shuguangs are pricey, I was amazed at the quality of those tubes.  They are just better than the NOS RCA and GE tubes that they replaced.  With the new tubes, there is an immediately noticeable reduction in grain.  Also, the gap between the M-60's and the Coincident Frankensteins has been closed somewhat with respect to the alluring midrange sweetness of a good 300B amp.  Short runs (~ 30") of 12 G Duelund Tin plated feeds the speakers.
    • The Room! Dedicated Listening Room
    The room is a bonus room that has been dedicated for 2 channel listening.  It is roughly 20 Ft long and 13 wide, with 8 foot ceilings, that are beveled at the floor and side wall junctions.  This room has been a bit of a challenge to get right, and I've learned a lot in the process.  I'm a long time Maggie guy, which means I have mostly had systems with limited output below 40 Hz.  I had no idea it could be such a challenge getting full range speakers to achieve their potential.   I'm using a traditional short wall arrangement, with the equipment rack located along the side wall as far back in the room as I could get it.  I have two dedicated 20 Amp circuits feeding all of the equipment with the exception of the amp on the left.   I have 5 bass traps in the room.  I'm using two GIK Soffit traps in the corners behind the speakers along with two Mondo Traps from Real Traps on the walls.  A third Modo Trap is used in one rear corner behind the listening position.  Treatment of the 4th corner is not possible or necessary, since the room door is in that location. The traps significantly improved clarity by reducing excessive decay times.  I also have a couple of homemade traps on the ceiling at the first reflection points.  First reflection points on the side walls was effectively addressed by clever placement of the CD racks.  These were carefully placed and angled out slightly from the side walls.  This arrangement either deflects first reflections back to the front of the room or channels them behind the rack.  I have not yet settled on an approach for addressing first reflections off of the floor.  But imaging is pretty good as things currently stand, which is not all that easy to accomplish in a room with these dimensions.

Comments 58

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I think you'll be in for a nice surprise by turning the woofers facing outward. I have coincident Total Eclipse II's and I found that the sound stage got wider when I did this and the bass sounded more coherent too. Of course this is room dependent. Keep us posted.

