
replaced at fall 2012 my Evolution acoustic MM3 speakers by a pair of Magico Q1. Sounds like a strange move - from a 350kg monster to a small 2-ways, but I couldn't be more happy: more transparency, less coloration, very clean transient, richness of tones. Room is completely treated, with more than 100 Helmholtz resonators and diffusers from SMT.

My next upgrade is to move to Magico Q7. the Q1 will move probably with the Devialet to my living room system to replace my APL speakers.

Components Toggle details

    • Dartzeel NHB-108
    Swiss electronics to its best.
    • Magico Q1
    The Ultimate cost no object 2 ways.
    • APL NWO-M
    Combine the best Esoteric transport and state of the art custom DAC by APL. Use it also as preamp when driving the Devialet

Comments 19

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Nice system.
