
Novemeber 2016-Added 4 x LAMM m2.2 for biamping the TADS, driven by  the LAMM LL1.1 preamp.A match made in heaven!( or in Brooklyn NY......)
 The LAMM amps will be set on 4 S

 Also upgraded the siltech double cown i/cs to the newly developed TRIPLE CROWNS-  a significant upgrade on its own.

April 2021—

Replaced my Lamm gear with the soulution 701s, and 725 preamp.

Also replaced my TAD speakers with magico m6.

HRS AMP  were upgraded to the vxr models. 


Room Details

Dimensions: 35’ × 15’  Large
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    2X4 SHELVES STANDS IN BURLWOOD FINISH.with 19x21 m3x shelves. adding these racks and shelves have been one of the most profound upgrades i have made to my system, period!
    • YTER Flexum acoustical panels
    a gorgeous maple diffuser/absorbtion from the kitchen of franco sorbin. extremely effective and also beautifully made to boot!
    • Wilson Audio Alexandria XLF
    True State of the art.
    • HRS Vxr amp stands
    Lowest noise floor .
    • Esoteric Grandioso C1x preamp
    • ESOTERIC Grandioso K1X
    • Esoteric Grandioso G1x
    • Esoteric Grandioso C1x ps
    • Esoteric Grandioso PS1
    • ESPRIT CABLES Eureka interconnects, speakercables and all power cords
    • AURENDER N- 20

Comments 351

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hummm, don't take this personally and I respect it's your opinion but do kindly describe the differences of what you liked because after three years of listening too many set-ups just don't get it - they are nice but in comparison;

My personal findings of MM3's are;

I prefer the EA's ribbon tweeter, midrange and bottom end frequencies by far just for starters, Focal's over all sound congested in comparison, don't go near as high and accurate "do some comparisons with big band music "trumpets - singer which goes way up there" and you will hear the Focal's tweeter break up where with the EA's you find it will just keep going and leave you in awe. Midrange - Focal's just aren't on par - comparison is obvious and bass as a whole which is the foundation of all music - no where in the same league period.

I have found the stage "performers and instruments" heights and size to be more realistic in size with the EA's and demonstrate differences better making the listening experience more realistic.

Dynamics would be the only area I would say that are close but due to the capabilities mentioned above and below the EA's win.

With the Focal the sound at most comes from between the speakers, with the EA's besides between also offers nice layering like on a stage, behind the speakers along with outside of the actual speakers.

Yes as mentioned Matt best you hear, it really comes down to a personal choice, Focal's in my opinion are way over priced also and why they are so heavily discounted.


Ozy have you actually heard the EA's?

Mattnshilp, before you buy best you hear both, it won't be hard to hear the differences :-) - I would personally take the EA's over the Stella's and EA MM3 model over the Grande's any day.


Hi Ozy,

wow you have done allot with your room treatments, care to go into detail in relation to each product along with placement, what they offer sonically upon placement.

Because you like tweeks I would recommend you purchase some StillPoint Ultra 5's and firstly place them under your speakers. I have with positive results and find even though now cheap well worth the investment, others whom are trying also are very happy.


Ozy, so now that your Vac gear is gone do you have some new pces that you are using as of yet. If so do share


Ozy, I don't think there is anything wrong with you wanting to try others, I know I tried numerous prior to the Vac's and in my system with my speakers no others compared but in the end it still comes down to a personal preference.

Have fun, that's what it all about :)


Podeschi, congrats.

These Vac pces are just wonderful instruments :-)

Ozy, I'm really intrigued with these YTER panels specially if you have now gotten two additional pairs but found they come with a pretty hefty cost.

I'm also intrigued with the trippoint product but at the same time feel it's insaneley priced.



when referring to the tubes in the amps you rolled do you mean the VO1 tube position only. 1 tube in each amp?

What year are the Sylvanias, allot of these tubes are known for being microphonic.

Why the decision to try these specific tubes

The only tubes I have changed as mentioned are in my pre-amp so you should try this, most defiantly changes and other owners are doing the same saying "Much better, with more air, better imaging, deeper bass, etc., etc."

Swap out the Golden Dragon 6Dj8's in the preamp with Siemens 7308's NOS from the mid-1970's or 60's Seimens Cca


Awe I see I do allot more listening than you do, I have almost double the hours, no tube rolling in the amps. I have owned my pre-amp for much longer than my amps so I am trying different tubes both in the line and phono stage. No conclusions as of yet, will put back the original ones in a while.

The room I was looking to build, put on hold due to not being satisfied with size etc. and several concerns, still really enjoy my current environment so I'll leave it for now.

Don't think of other amps and/or pre-amps or speakers, just enjoying :-)

I'm sure your new Accusphase pces are sounding nice, sure look sharp! My red book when I listen which really isn't all that much I've settled for a single player unit, AMR 77.1

I recently found out these amps in my place prefer to be plugged directly into the wall and not into the RM20 units, was very interesting because other amps like Boulder 2050's, MBL 9011's - 9008's, Karan 1200's and Bryston 28's all worked and some even sonically sounding better, go figure.

That's why it's important to try your self with any pressure.

I'm currently using Stealth Audio Dream PC's but will compare to the stock ones sent to see as suggested by Kevin.


Hi Ozy,

YTER Flexum acoustical panels

You mentioned you got them from montreal, who is the company? How much?

What are their actual measurements

How many hours do you now have on your amps.

Have you done any comparisons in relation to using the stock power cord and what you are currently using.



Some great ones for sure, check out Carlos Montoya - Farruca

Paco de lucia - flamenco Carlos Saura

Andres Segovia

to name a few



did Cyrus already mention he has a pair on order to mate up with his Vac Sig pre and MBL's which he just recently got which replaced his Magico Q5's.

When I had gotten my Vac pre first I found it took some time to really open up, around 400+ hours so you are getting there.

I have approx 160 hours on the amps.

This Vac combo is just marvelous! My MBL's are just lovin them, my fav to date.


Ozy, how many hours do you now have logged on your Vac gear.

Everything is good here and just enjoying!, getting lost within the music, endlessly smileing and catch my self on numerous occasions saying WOW!


Hi Ozy, thanks for the reply back

Some questions for clarification;

#1 how many external walls does you room have? 3

#2 the ceiling panels that you choise why did you not go with GIK's product?

#3 If you did not have to have the soffit around the room would you eliminate it?

#4 what is your base subfloor under the carpet?


Hi Ozy,

well it's time to build my new designated room to tie me over until we move so I can in return build my dream room, looking at yours I see allot of similarities.

If you were to do it all over what would you do different if anything?

My room won't be as long or have as heigh ceiling wise as yours due to restraints but will be a bit wider and not have any side windows to contend with.

Room size finished will be 17' wide by 21'9" long with 9' ceilings, soffits lower of course.

I'm also looking at using GIK various acoustic panels and what I was reading in relation to yuor comments in relation to the clouds installed on your ceiling.

Any reason why you did not use GIK's product here?

Looking at rooms I see some have soffits, some not and some only on two sides.

Why did you decide to go with soffits, what are the benifits.

I see you built your soffits or had them built, how are they constructed? I'm doing the build my self.

The two front wall corners behind speakers instead of using GIK Tri-corners I'm thinking about just building my own bass traps on a angle.

Also looking at building a bass trap in the back wall.

Any thoughts or sugestions appreciated.

Hope you are enjoying your set-up!


Hi Ozy,

looking at your pics of your room which looks great, a few things that stand out to me that you might want to check out.

1. louver window coverings, my set-up currently being in a living room space and I have wood ones I found there were some interaction at times, vibrations, rattles which I was able to address.

When I have music on, nice stand up bass I just walk arround the room to see what it sounds like. You would be surprised what one can find doing this.

2. your couch and particularly the back part and possibly sides, if you tap it with your hand does it interact like a drum sound. Obviously have no music on and tap it like you were hitting a drum sort of speak. I recall years ago in my designated room I added a leather sofa in behind my main seating area so others visting could sit and my sound just did not sound the same. Took me some time to figure out that the darn couch was the culprit, basically interacting, vibrating.

3. leather, leatherit couch not being the best choice because it reflects allot.

4. the door on the right side, is that a interior or exterior door. Interior door should be a solid core door otherwise if it's a hollow core door for sure it's interacting. Check the door to ensure there is no rattle, snug fit, ad door seals if needed. I also noticed a gap on the bottom that you might want to address with a door sweep, brush type.

5. also noticed your panels are a bit different on the sides, specically on the right side. You added one ontop of another one.

6. heat grates, you might want to check the louvers inside to see if they rattle. Allot of times they are metal and have two and will rattle at specific frequencies, there are other options.

7. your valance, "bulk head" hopefully you have addressed inside that along with the pipes for the venting using flex ones with the insulation bag around them so they aren't interacting and when air comes threw you can't tell.

8. Looking forward you might want to address the corners in the bulk head area section and if it's the same at the back do the same.

Just some friendly advise.


Congrats! on a very nice set-up over all indeed.

You are of few very fortuante individuals to own as I am also the same VAC combo except mine are in Silver finish, those 450 mono's are very special indeed and paired up with the Sig. pre-amp has gotten me off the merry-go-round.

My MBL 101E's are truely lovin it too.

I really like the colour combo of the Stella EM's also, my favourite colour combo for those speakers.

I see only one thing missing and that's a top notch vinyl set-up, oh I love my vinyl with this combo.

