
This system, with 60 comments, is already up under my old Audiogon moniker - Fplanner2000. I've had to duplicate it since they wouldn't let me attach it to my new moniker - fplanner2010.

I started this hobby about 8 years ago and have subsequently gone a bit nuts turning my living room into a pretty nice 2-channel and HT setup. When I first posted this system on 10-4-06, it didn't have very much of what is currently there now. (Actually, all that remains are the Gray conditioner, the sub and Sunfire amp!!)

I have done all the upgrades I had been contemplating 3 years ago (plus a number of others for various reasons), and the dogs have been surprisingly cooperative in not taking out any tubes. With the latest addition of the APL Super-DAC prototype, I am pretty much exactly where I had hoped to be when I started this 8 years ago. FINALLY!!

I'd like to thank all my friends and acquaintances here on Audiogon for your help and guidance along the way. I never would have gotten this far this quickly without your help, suggestions and shared wisdom. I am totally appreciative.

I don't anticipate any more changes anytime real soon, but in this hobby, you really NEVER KNOW!! I'm going to CES in 3 weeks, so we'll see what happens. I'm definitely interested in exploring computer integration and would love to have my 1000+ CDs on a big hard-drive, but we'll see....

Thanks again and your comments are welcome.

Components Toggle details

    • Valve Amplification Company VAC Statement 450 Monoblocks
    WOW. Not broken in yet
    • Valve Amplification Company Signature IIa Preamp
    Added 7308's 2/12 replacing noisy 6dj8's - incredible soundstage and sonic extension. Unbelievable!!
    • Esoteric/APL 32-bit NWO-M Transport/DAC
    SOTA digital. 20 2nd generation 32-bit AKM DACs/side, double tube Class-A output stage, 96/211 upsampler, etc.
    • Von Schweikert Audio VR-7SE w/Mk 2 upgrade
    Total internal re-wire w/Delphi wire, new mid-range drivers and V-Cap bypass mods to mids, tweets and super-tweets.
    • Pro ELITE 70 inch LCD w/full Local Dimming
    Product of a 2.5 yr project between Pioneer and Sharp engineers to build the BEST in the world w/o economic constraints. Came out several months ago in 60" and 70"; 2 yr 3 mo. factory wty. Expensive but amazing so far. Goes FAR beyond Sony XBR, my prior reference, in many noticeable areas.
    • Oppo BDP-95
    Video processing to 3D plus all latest Audio Codecs
    • Integra DHC-80.2 HD Processor
    All the latest codecs for movies.
    • Velodyne DD-15+ Subwoofer
    A nice upgrade from the prior DD-15
    • Synergistic Research TESLA Reference Subwoofer cables(2)
    Best I've ever had on my sub.
    • Synergistic Research Galileo Speaker Cells
    Speaker tweeker - really opens up the speakers for an even more organic and visceral "you are there" presentation. A pleasant surprise.
    • Synergistic Research Element Series C-T-S ics
    Copper-Tungsten-Silver 1m rca ICs between APL and preamp. Increased clarity, deeper and wider soundstage, better imaging and focus.
    • Synergistic Research Apex Tesla ICs & bi-wire Spkr cable
    A revelation for my system
    • Synergistic Research Precision Reference XLR ICs
    Perfect between Preamp and amps. Tried pure silver, but lost the body of the Prec Ref.
    • Synergistic Research 3 Hologram A and 2 Hologram D PCs
    Improved dynamics and imaging. A's on both amps and preamp.
    • Synergistic Research D-3 Digital IC cable
    Best digital cable from Transport to DAC I have found at any price.
    • Acrolink Mexcel Digital BNC
    Great digital cable for the clock - made for Esoteric.
    • Legacy Audio Focus 20/20 rear speakers
    Full range and great for movies
    • Legacy Audio Silver Screen Center speaker
    Blends really well with the VSA fronts
    • Magnum Dynalab MD-108T Triode tuner
    Best tuner I've found. Replaced a Sansui modded 9900, which I still have.
    • Finite Elemente Cerapucs under UX-1 & Preamp
    Tightens up the presentation.
    • Digital Systems Ultrabit Platinum Disc Treatment
    The best I've found to help my CDs sound their best and remove scratches.
    • Richard Gray 400s AC filter
    Auxiliary outlets
    • Dedicated 20 amp lines
    One of my best investments
    • Billy Bags Pro Rack
    6 3/4" cracked glass shelves
    • Billy Bags Pro modified Component Center
    Modified by Billy Bags

Comments 156

System edited: Added Esoteric/APL NWO-M to system. Totally unbroken-in, out of the box, big step beyond my 3 box Esoteric Transport/ Esoteric rubidium clock/APL prototype NWO-4.0 Super-DAC. Not really even close - voices and instruments have an even more palpable weight - as lifelike as I've ever heard, anywhere at any price. Pretty special, since I know its just going to get lots better as the different formats break-in. Won't be doing any critical listening for weeks, but it sure is fun to listen to NOW!!


I'm guessing you are his dealer and that the 2 of you live in India?


The speaker that 'Manjy' has is a Siltech Pantheon XXV - Serial Number 00-A & 00-B
The Amps are from Cadence - Cansya - 845 Tube.
Audio Research Ref - 3
Cary Cd/Sacd Pro



Manjy - those speakers look pretty impressive. Which ones do you have and where did you get them? Do you not live in the US?



Thanks for your response. I will speak to Alex about his superdac. My playback is now 100% PC based and I am using my Cary SACD 306 Pro as a DAC. I have heard the Scarlatti, Ayon, etc. but didnt quite like them so much.

The Siltech speakers are in a league off their own. I have not heard better speakers. Resolution, bass, warmth all blended in perfect measure. You have to hear them. Google them and read the 6moons report. Since they are making only a limited number, I'm not sure who has them in the US.


Hi Manjy-
You have quite a system - I've never even seen, let alone heard, those speakers. I look forward to getting more info on them - strengths, composition, etc.

As far as the APL Super-DAC prototype I've got, I love it. It is NOT the one he has the picture of on the APL website, but the one he talks about under "news" as "cost-no-object". As an early prototype, it doesn't have a display, nor many inputs/outputs. What is DOES have is 20 2nd generation 32-bit AKM DAC chips per side connected in dual mono mode, a super low-jitter clock, as well as a transformer-coupled tube output stage featuring 2 vintage E182cc tubes.

I've heard probably 15 other DACs, including all the name-brands, although not in my system, but at CES 2010 and other shows. None has performed close enough to what I've got to interest me at all. The data retrieval is nothing short of amazing, while the musicality is also there in spades thanks to the Class A output stage and some of the other design features of the DAC.

What I have is NOT the final version of the Super-DAC, and from talking to Alex recently, he has made further improvements. The DAC APL is currently selling is solid-state and will give you SOME idea of what is possible and I'm sure will hold its own against anything anywhere near its price point.

What I have, however, is in another league entirely. I was hopeful for a finished version by RMAF, but that may not happen. I live in Denver, so if you're going to RMAF, try to find me and maybe we can arrange for you to hear my system.




What is your opinion of the APL DAC? Is this the same as the DAC-s they have listed on their website? Please let me know if you have compared it to any other Dac's too. Thanks


UPDATE: Keeping the Synergistic Research Speaker Cells -

They are providing a bit better imaging and detail as well as tighter bass and a bit better lower-volume resolution. The presentation is also a little more organic. These are not all huge differences, but there is enough of an improvement that the system sounds better to my ears with them than without.

At first I had some problems getting them to work properly with my bi-wire speaker cables, but Eliott and Ted helped me get things sorted out. I really didn't think these speaker cells were going to improve my system - it was a pleasant surprise that they did.


I'm still "evaluating"... ;-) Leaning towards keeping. Definitely worth trying in your system.....


Only one way to know for sure how they sound together Harve....send em' here! :-)


Greetings, Harve,

You're most welcome :-) The Dali MegaLine III is exceptional! Actually, I live in the San Diego area and had the terrific opportunity to accompany Albert Porter to Art's beautiful abode. Art's room and system conveys music exquisitely! Art and Albert make for delightful company :-)

I've only heard Art's system with the Powercell in the circuit...of course, I'm uncertain what impact might occur in its absence.

I hope you and Art favor one another with will be great fun!



Thank you Sam. I am honored by your compliment, and confess I'm a little jealous of your Dalis. Your system must sound great!!

It sounds like you live near Art S. - I have yet to hear his system and he mine, but we're working on it...... Many similarities, but some important differences.

I just put SR's speaker Cells into my system, more out of curiosity than anything else. Surprisingly, they are providing even better imaging and air around the instruments, although are also moving the soundstage back about 8 feet. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep them yet - they are almost like baby Powercells for your speakers. Since Art also got the SR Powercell, I would be curious how the speaker cells would sound in his system. If you talk to him before I do, you might mention this.

Thanks again for your kind words.



Hello Fplanner2010,

What a fine system...I expect it has provided innumerable hours of sonic enjoyment :-) Congrats!

Best regards,


Glenfihi - Thank you very much. Its been a constant learning adventure as new products come out and different synergies reveal themselves. I will next be trying Synergistic Speaker Cells, not because I feel my system is lacking anything, but more out of a feeling of curiosity. That probably won't happen until the end of the month.

I have a very good SR dealer that has taken good care of me along this journey, as well as exceptional manufacturers like Kevin Hayes of VAC and Albert von Shweickert of VSA, as well as Alex Peychev of APL and the people at Esoteric(Mark and Carl). Most have become friends and all have contributed their time and energy towards helping my system get to where it is and for that I am extremely grateful. All have shown exemplary service both before and after "the sale", making the journey to this point a real pleasure.

It is all too easy to take this sort of service for granted, which is why I am taking the time here to publicly express my appreciation. Others who have been particularly helpful along the way include Rick Schultz of Virtual Dynamics, Carl M of Nola, Steve McCormack and David Elrod. There are a number of others, but these folks stand out,at least to me.


Great system, enjoyed reading the commnets and seeing the pictures. Congrats on your journey to audio heaven.


Caps have about 300 hours on them and the preamp about 375. The caps have yielded more extended highs and mids with more depth and body to them. The VAC Sig has gotten pretty astounding after break-in to this point. I have lots more low level detail and much better imaging than before, as well as a weight to the bass and low mids that was missing before (but I didn't realize it).

The noise floor is lower and the dynamics, both macro and micro, are to a level I've never heard before. At the risk of using an oft-coined phrase, I really am now hearing my CD collection for the first time. Ambient and spatial cues are now clearly present, (especially at lower listening levels where they were mostly absent before) and I am very easily becoming immersed in the music. I'm no longer critically listening for system weaknesses, because the music just won't let me. I never thought my living room could ever sound like this - its become incredibly satisfying, finally!!


My tech and I installed new V-Caps into my 7Se's yesterday. We ended up putting 5 additional bypass caps on the tweeter, supertweeter and ambient rear driver crossover, with 2 additional on the midrange crossover. Took us about 4 1/2 hours to do the first speaker when we were figuring out the best ways to do things, and 2 hours for the 2nd.

I have recently done a number of things in my quest to improve the low level resolution of my system. First, my Super-DAC prototype finally opened up after about 475 hours, lifting a veil or 2. I also got a new preamp several weeks ago - Vac Signature IIa, which now has about 100 hours on it (4-500 to really open up, I'm told) and added a better powercord for the preamp yesterday when we had the speakers all moved (Synergistic Hologram A into an all SR system)).

This combination, along with the change the new caps have made, has left me pretty speechless. Its very difficult to apportion responsiblity for the significant increase in low level detail, airiness and imaging. I would guess 50% caps, 40% preamp and 10% PC, leaving aside the DAC. I'm pretty surprised that I'm hearing this big a difference this quickly with the new caps, as they are brand new and should take 4-500 hours to fully open up. My tech, the Skiing Ninja, says if I leave the system on 24/7 for 3 weeks, the caps will be broken in. I laughed.... not going to happen.

My 7's sound like new speakers after only about 5 hours! The mids and highs are considerably more open, detailed and extended and I know they are just going to get even better! Low volume level detail is there in spades - I've been listening to a Keith Jarrett CD while reading the Sunday paper this morning and I had to put the paper down. I had never heard this CD sound like it now does.

If I can just snap my fingers now and have 500 more hours put on the system immediately.....

System reconfiguration put on hold until at least summer - I really don't want to mess with it since its only going to sound even better over the next several months as the preamp, PC and additional V-Caps break further in!!


After measuring cables, etc., looks like a System reorganization as described above is probably in my future sooner rather than later. First want to let the new preamp break in more and probably upgrade the VR-7se midrange and tweeters with some additional caps.

The "new pictures" which are probably 3 months away, will show a markedly different setup, if all goes as planned.


Upgrading preamps this weekend. System due to be reorganized with TV table used for amps and probably preamp. Won't happen until summer at earliest, since it will be lots of brain damage and some additional cable expense, neither of which I have to deal with now. Since the cabling is SR active, there are 4 cables connecting each component, not just 2. It looks like several digital cables would need to go from 1M to 2M as well as several pairs of interconnects. That will get expensive very quickly, even when offset with the cables I would no longer require. So far this is not in the "budget"

There is also the canine consideration - not sure about the wisdom of putting those amps at snout/tail level out in the open for the pooches. Currently, even though the system looks just thrown together, the amps are pretty well protected from the dogs. Also, this is my living room and I'm not yet convinced it "needs" to be re-worked. It will look a lot nicer, but might not be as functional. Any brilliant input is always appreciated, as well as contributions to the "new cables" fund.


To be honest, I no longer use the DD-15 for 2-channel. My speakers are full range to 17hz(according to the spec). What I've discovered is that with the addition of the 2nd VAC amp, the additional power gives me plenty of bottom-end for 2-channel listening. I do still use the DD-15 for movies, however, and it works extremely well for that.

Before the 2nd VAC amp, the DD-15 worked well for 2-channel, but I had inadvertantly allowed my crossover settings to be set at 80hz, a huge mistake, Therefore, the speakers never played below 80 hz for almost a year, so all I heard was the sub below 80hz. WHen I fixed the crossover, I discovered with the addition of the 2nd amp I no longer needed the sub. Getting much better imaging, etc from the full range speakers than the sub, obviously.

Thanks for your question.


how do u like the dd-15s on 2 channel?


Oh i see that was unfortunate, its a great feature, with very good sonics.

I looked at the sooloos too, my local deal think i should have one. The interface is very nice with lots of info compiled. Problem as i see it it doesnt handle .wav. Sonically i think youre overpaying for what you get, for that money you can build an exceptional server soundwise. And you can get something that sounds a lot better for a lot less, ive already done it.

Very nice impressions by the way:-)


Perrew- I do not have the wifi option yet, as Alex was scrambling just to get me the DAC before I imploded. I am also not using a music server, yet. I talked at length to Enno of Meridian at CES, who filled me in on the Sooloos system, which he invented and sold to Meridian. I may end up with one of those after a while.

I've just posted a few impressions on the APL forum as well.



nice to see you are starting to hear what the APL dac can do. Do you have the WiFi option on it or using some other music server with it?


Thanks - I appreciate it!


Showing 126 - 150 of 156 posts