
The system sounds just like Burmester. Sweet, speed, slam, you name it.

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    • Burmester Audio 001
    Best one box player in the planet
    • Burmester Audio 032
    Best integrated amp in the planet
    • Burmester Audio B50
    They sing what the data stores in the disc
    • Burmester V1 Rack
    Heavy and firm

Comments 23

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Don't you love that photo on the W/P 7's 6 inches from the rear wall and a few feet in front of the sofa? What is that about?! I think Magnepan has indulged in this sort of nonsense as well.


Again, could you compare the rebook performance betweeen the Gryphon and the Lindeman. You said you use the Gryphon Adagio for redbook- OTOH, you did say the Lindeman is slightly better (on redbook?). I'm confused.
