
The system sounds just like Burmester. Sweet, speed, slam, you name it.

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    • Burmester Audio 001
    Best one box player in the planet
    • Burmester Audio 032
    Best integrated amp in the planet
    • Burmester Audio B50
    They sing what the data stores in the disc
    • Burmester V1 Rack
    Heavy and firm

Comments 23

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For the CD shoot-out, the isolation devices were Symposium Roller bearings (Tungsten upgrade), Walker Valid points, Iso bearings, Mod Squad soft shoes, Black Diamond Racing, Purist Pyramids, Carbon blocks and a couple of other "pointy" feet.

I used four different power cords and tried several chassis dampers (on top) of the players. I even got permission to remove the stock Lindemann feet to be certain they were not causing any problems.

In the end, Purist Dominus and Elrod Signature power cords nearly tied for best performance, both players liked these two.

The Symposium was the preferred isolation device with the Sony doing a bit better with a single Walker damper on top and the Lindemann using no damper of any kind.

Being an almost 100% analog guy, I have been disappointed with every high end digital playback rig I've tested.

Admittedly, the more expensive the player, the more critical I tend to be. I expect a level of performance far greater than that of an ART Di/o, Sony SACD or other inexpensive player.

I would judge the Sony's performance as "good," not excellent, and certainly not magic. That being said, Sony was chosen over the LIndemann on several occasions by as many as five and six listeners participating in the test.

There needs to be clear and consistent performance advantages for me to justify a $9000.00 investment in a CD player.

I'll continue to use my stock Sony 9000 and keep looking for the digital machine that will change my mind.

I would only add, that weeks after this shoot out I borrowed some new feet called "Still Points." They were the best footer I have tried. I hope to buy some at HE 2003 and see if I feel the same way after long term listening.


Vsfang, I like your system even though I have not heard that assortment of components.

I absolutely love the appearance of the Gryphon. Had a wonderful experience discussing design with one of their reps at CES some years ago. I walked away with their "Exorcist" (their demag device). Great product and beautifully constructed, like all their equipment.

What have you compared to the Lindemann to arrive at your opinion of it? I ask because I had one in my system for over a month.

Don't know if you have experimented, but my trials with the Solid Steel stands got improvements by filling them with Silica sand. Inexpensive upgrade that may be "undone" if you disagree with me.

Hope you get your Nikon back soon. Would like to see images of your actual set up.
