
Sonus Faber & Nautilus Set Up. It's tough to synchronize gain control on B&W, but after a few weeks of tweaking, it has become a marvelous speaker. I found Stradivari to be a better speaker in many dimensions. A bit dissapointed at B&W's depth of bass, but still beautiful to look. Great WAF!

Components Toggle details

    • Esoteric P-03/D-03
    Japanese. P01/D01 is slightly better, but not by much
    • Sonus Faber Stradivari
    Very musical
    • B&W Nautilus
    • McIntosh MC-1201
    • McIntosh MC-501
    • McIntosh MC-2000
    • McIntosh C2200
    A bit light, but musical

Comments 24

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Hi Syaudio,

Would love to hear the Nautilus' someday...have not come across a set, but good to read your own thoughts on them.

as for Strads, i totally agree with you. The Strads sound great with medium power because of the "character" of SF. However, the Strads respond extremely well to high quality power...more in the bass than in the mid. But even the mid soundstage, "strength of presentation" will improve with high current.

I have truly enjoyed Krell with all of the various Sonus Fabers...but i have found i preferred other amps with the Homage Series. Martin Colloms and i believe Franco Serblin himself were supposedly using FBX700 when it was still being made. However, imho, i preferred the slightly warmer sound of Class A SS...hence why i went with Gryphon Antileon. I have heard (as suggested above) that Soulution is a magical combination. If you wish to go with highpowered tubes, Downunder has his system up here...and uses CJ Premier 8s which were totally overhauled by CJ (Teflon capacitors, etc)...275watts/channel. Good luck and please keep posting! Great system!


Hi Syaudio

fantastic system! I have seen but never heard the B&Ws...they were not hooked up when i saw them.

i own the strads. regarding your question on amps, I have a super-long post in Audiogon seeking amp advice for Strads going back almost a is still getting new posts, so feel free to check it out..."Powerful tube amp for Strads". i started out looking at super-powerful tubes (Wavac, CJ, Lamm, ARC Ref 210, Berning Quad Z), and am pretty close to choosing Class A SS instead. I am pretty sure Gryphon Antileon is my choice.

I use Zanden as my source and CJ Act 2 as my pre. I think the Antileon should add endless, conrolled dynamics with a very, very pure tonality...thru the tube source and pre, i think it will be a good long term combination (for me anyway).

Hope that is interesting and helpful as one opinion. You have a fantastic setup. Enjoy!
