
Temporary system to show images I captured of the new Aesthetix Callisto and Io cosmetics.

These were introduced and displayed at CES 2008.

Components Toggle details

    • Aesthetix Eclipse Silver
    Aesthetix Eclipse
    • Aesthetix Eclipse black
    New model
    • Aesthetix Calisto
    New Callisto chassis and parts upgrade
    • Aesthetix Callisto
    New Callisto chassis and parts upgrade

Comments 16

Showing all comments by vsfang.

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Hi Albert
Money is not the issue.I feel upset because I was not properly informed by dealer that there will be a new version coming up.Upgrading the "just bought" pre is a time and money waste. Just like you , I wanna the best.


Just ordered a Callisto Signature two weeks ago but not sure if it is the new Model or not.

I don't want to spend big money to upgrade a "just bought " preamp.

I will be upset if they send me the old model.
