
Temporary system to show images I captured of the new Aesthetix Callisto and Io cosmetics.

These were introduced and displayed at CES 2008.

Components Toggle details

    • Aesthetix Eclipse Silver
    Aesthetix Eclipse
    • Aesthetix Eclipse black
    New model
    • Aesthetix Calisto
    New Callisto chassis and parts upgrade
    • Aesthetix Callisto
    New Callisto chassis and parts upgrade

Comments 16

Showing all comments by gallant_diva.

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We can start with a comparison with your existing pre-amp.
Please also invite Jim and Mark Johnson.



I happily put my X-2 pre-amp made by Charlie
(see my review at that I posted under "Product Review" category for pre-amps)

for a friendly contest with your current or new Aesthetix

We share this great hobby in which friendly and positive contests are fun provided they are done in good spirit. I am all for that. For me it is not a matter of ego or trying to prove "mine is better". But the X-2 beat Lamm L2 easily and since the Aesthetix is known to be great, I am very curious who these two pre-amps will compare. You do not live far from me, so you are welcome to come and bring your Aesthetix with you. Alternatively, I can bring mine.

