
I have been in the hobby for more than forty years,now that my hearing is declining I finally put together a system I enjoy.I have a very understanding wife.My living room is rather large no parallel walls or ceiling(three stories high)I can seat on the second or third level and listen to what sounds like live music.I power the Loreley speakers with a YBA passion monos for the mid and high section while the low frequency section is powered with the Innersound 1KW amps ,the low frequency section of the german Physics Loreley is 4ohms and the innersound output is 2 kw. at 4 ohms. That change made a significant difference o the bass output.The center is now powered by one YBA 1000 passion,again an improvement over the acoustic reality .Another two Acoustic Reality 1001 monos powers the Legato rear speakers.I use any of the four source cd/sacd/dvd-A players depending on the recordingReimyo for redbook playback and the accuphase and the Esoteric for sacd playback,the meridian 800 is used for dvd A and dvd video music and. the pioneer Blu-Ray for dvd video movies.

System is just about complete added a cello equalizer system .The CD and sacd players and the Meridian 800 are now connected through RCA and xlr IC into the Cello encore and the encore is connected to the Cello Palette equalizer feeding meridian 861 processor.The cd player Reimyo/Accuphase and esoteric are also connected directly into the 861.I also connect the digital outputs of the Reimyo,to both the DG-38 and the Zanden DAC.Lots of combinations are possible for different connections are possible.

I previously had the MBL6010D very open and detailed but too fatiguing and harsh for my taste,I also had the EMM signature sacd transport and DAC,did not perform well im my system and poorly constructed the Accuphase 800/801 is by far superior for two channel SACD,while the Esoteric X-01 is by far superior for multi channel sacd,one excellent player.

I have now put in two dedicate 20 amp line with Furetech and Onyada receptacle and plugs.The dedicated lines did improve the sound somewhat and got rid of the hum.I have a number of conditioners not convinced they improve the sound but I am convinced at times they have a negative impact.I have lots of high end power cables I have yet to hear the improvement,I have not listed all the IC cables I use to time consuming ,the difference they make at least in my system is minimal.

I listen to primarily classical music ,like 95% of the time.The music includes solo instruments ,chamber music,choral and symphonic,no opera. The sound is great especially outstanding in large symphonic reproductions of Shostakovitch, Bartok, etc.

Components Toggle details

    • reimyo cdp-777
    red book cd player
    • esoteric x-01Limited
    multi channel SACD player
    • Meridian 800 V4
    • meridian 861V6
    Preamplifier/surround processor
    • Meridian SOOLOS
    Downloads music and cds connected to 861
    • Einstein the Tube Mk.1
    an excellent two channel tube preamp
    • Gryphon Antileon Signature
    A class A 150 watt stereo amp
    • Y B A Passion 1000
    four mono amps
    • German Physics Loreley
    main speakers
    • German Physics Borderland
    center speaker
    • German Physics legato
    rear speakers
    • german physics pion 1200
    two digital and four analogue
    • german physics silver
    speaker cables
    • burmester 948
    power conditioner
    • weize x
    a 6 outlet power conditioner
    • concierto violin
    • stageIII interconnect XLR
    used between preamps and German Physics X-over to the Loreleys speakers.
    • cardas golden reference
    xlr interconnect
    • acoustic arts silver
    interconnects XLR and RCA
    • purist audio collosus
    rca interconnect
    • hrs m3x
    3 vibration isolation base
    • hrs nimbus
    vibration isolation
    • stillpoints ultras
    vibration isolation used under amps
    • stageIII vortex
    power cable
    • stageIII zyklop
    high end power cable
    • stageIII minotaur
    two power cables
    • harmonic technology magic reference
    power cable
    • ps audio pw ac-12
    power cables
    • panasonic 58PZ&00U
    plasma monitor

Comments 101

I believe the flexibility you have with the meridian processor with their diverse algorithm selection for surround sound cannot be met with emm alone.Using the emm integrated sacd in combination with the 861 me provide an improvement over dp-85 accuphase sacd player. The approach I am contemplating is to add the accuphase dg-38 equalizer especialy in combination to the dp-85. With the 861 I have listened to mono recordings in 5 channel reproduction.I still find the Reimyo cdp - 777 playback in combination with the 861 to be by far superior to sacd or dvd-a playback.
On another not Greg, if you are in the washington dc area you are welcome to listen to the system.


Hi Rami
Any thoughts on emm labs digital front end and preamp compared to your gear?


Hi Phatboy,
When you listened to 5 channel were the speakers omnis? or where the set up off the side and center channel of the same "quality" as the mains.Was the demonstration using Meridian speakers they are not the best in my opinion.I find stereo ie two channel to be lacking in ambience.every one who listens to my system prefer the 5 channel for most music.I also have a bedroom system of 5 channel HT with an meridian 861 and JM Utopia speakers,again the 5 channel is superior to 2 channels.


Hi Remy,

And thanks for your last response, interesting. I was surprised indeed to here what Cinematic_systems had to say about your always listening in surround. I have heard quite a few demos. of trifield in a number of environments and have always and unfailingly prefered the 2-CH versions. I wonder, do you think that the other systems were poorly set up or perhaps it is just a matter of taste? I would like to hear your thoughts on the subject. Thanks again and happy listening.


Congratulations Ramy, your experience in the industry is a revelation to all people who appreciate music!

My father runs an Audio Capitole CD player with it's preamp straight to a pair of YBA mono's into a pair of Martin Logan Statement 2 speakers for a 2 channel system. He uses Nordost Valhalla cables with Shunyata Powerconditioning throughout. Results are outstanding! Like you, he never went on to look for a turntable after what he heard in his home.

Happy listening ... and like the other reviewer said, "buy your wife some flowers" and spend as much time with her as possible. Congratulations to you both.



First hand experience;

Ramy's system sounds better than it looks, its ability to fill a large 3 story space effortlessly could easily be taken for granted. It is amazing how quickly the impressive aesthetics of the system become a forgettable garnish to the sound of the system. With the trifield adjustments we made each experience takes on a lifelike performance.

Ramy's taste in music is probably better than his taste in equipment (if that's possible) and is one of a few audiophiles that I know who has built a system that lives up to any expectations anyone might have which is no small task.

I guess the only thing that may come as shock is the system is never played in 2 channel. And if you could hear the surround versus the 2 channel you'd understand why.

This kind of system is the reason why we can get passionate about hifi.


I considered the emm,however with the meridian 861 preamp/processor I am better of feeding the sacd through the two channel inputs and have the trifield algorithm manage the multichannel.Should I use the 5 channel inputs I am stuck with the recorded multichannel which tend to be very limiting. The dp 85 is quite good in this configuration,I am also planning to augment the system with accuphase dg-38 equalizer which is much more effective with the accuphase sacd source. On most recordings I find the Reimyo cdp777 to provide the BEST playback,


Hi Ramy,

Ver y nice system--I am a big fan of omnis, I own MBLs. I was wondering, however, if you'd thought about the EMM Labs SACD gear before going with the Accuphase? I have heard both and bought the EMM. In any case, nice work and keep it up.


System edited: just updated equipment and configuration. The system is getting close to optimum.


System edited: Just upgraded my sacd playback from the sony xa9000es to the accuphase dp-85,huge difference in sacd playback.


Simply awesome!


I have just started a new Audio/Video store in Covina, Ca.
I am seriously considering bringing the YBA Line in my store.
What are your experiences with the Company ?
I have the YBA Integre DT integrated amp now & it sounds great...


If it sounds even half as good as it looks, it is worth it. Thanks for sharing.


The center channel speaker looks like it would block the plasma screen when in a sitting position ?


Your cabinet is especially nice! Very understated but modern. Where did you obtain it?


System edited: The new redbook cd player by Reimyo made a huge improvment over the meridian 800 for playback of redbook.


It's a shame you can't hear these Virtual systems.

Wow, what a Super'b set-up!

How do you get yourself to leave this room for work, or bedtime???


I made couple of changes to the main system,unfortunatly I have not figured out how to edit the system description.I replaced the bryston 14bsst which powered the center speaker with Accoustic Reality amp,and replaced the classe 201 with another Accoustic Reality amp.Excellent results these small amps are sweet sounding with excellent bass.


Prior to the german physics I have owned mARTIN lOGAN PRODIGIES in a 5 channel configuration,martin logan monolith,dayron wright mk.10electrostatics.I still have pair of quad 57 in my office,and a full home theatre system of JM lab Utopias in my bedroom.(36x40x10 ft).Although the JM labs are very good speakers they are not at level of the german Physics.


Hi Ramy,
I'm interested in what loudspeakers you owned and heard before arriving at the German Physics. I too arrived at an omni or quasi omni after about 25 years in the hobby. My list included Magneplanars and Soundlab electrostats. Your system is mighty impressive.


i wouldl ike to order the main systems.


Buy your wife flowers. She deserves it.


That is an exceptional looking system and room. Congratulations.


It sounds better than it looks. Frequent comment of first time visitors to the house,(which is very open) is your daughter playing the piano? or it feels like we are in a club or concert hall.


Your living room looks so classy....well done.


Showing 76 - 100 of 101 posts