
my system is so much better than i ever dreamed when i started this journey about 30 years ago.never did i think i would be possible to achieve the sound, i currently hear, in my listening room.My amps are superb...the speakers are amazing...the network player sounds better than the SACD player that preceeded it.I have 2 Silent Source 'Music Reference' power cords.My new Silversmith 'Fidelium' speaker cables are truly amazing.The addition of the Uptown Audio 'EtheREGEN has significantly improved the sound.The addition of the Salon ethernet  cable has improved the sonics.I changed my previous modem/router setup to a single Actiontec product.Have just added 2 REL 212 SE subwoofers. The addition has significantly improved the soundstage and well as the bass.I have recently replaced the Symposium Platforms that were under my speakers..Tidal and RELs, with AV RoomServive EVP HDR isolation devices that have significantly improved the sound.Upgrading my Lumin to X1 level was a great idea.....Have replaced the Psvane WE 300B tubes with Psvane ACME 300B tubes.My 845s are Psvane WEs.Have also added a LessLoss Entropic C-MARC power cord to my Lumin X1.Have also added a LessLoss C-MARC RCA interconnect..Stay tuned..

Room Details

Dimensions: 28’ × 18’  Large
Ceiling: 26’

Components Toggle details

    • Chalice Audio SET amplifier Grail
    50 watt SET...Psvane WE 845 x 4...Elrog 300B x 2
    • LUMIN X1 Network Music Player
    Music Player /DAC
    • Tidal Audio Contriva Diacera-SE speakers
    full range
    • REL 212 SE subwoofer x 2
    • Silversmith Audio Fidelium speaker cables
    Ribbon cables
    • Lessloss C-Marc RCA interconnects
    2m RCA interconnect pair
    • Silent Source Audio Cables 'The Music Reference' Power Cord x 2
    • LessLoss Entropic C-MARC Powercord
    2m.....on my Lumin S1
    • UpTone Audio EtherREGEN
    Digital ethernet filter
    • Keces P3 PSU
    • Sablon Audio 1m Ethernet cable
    superb cable
    • Oyaide cryo wall outlets 'XXX' and R1
    Oyaide cryo wall outlets x 2..model 'xxx' and R1
    • Core Furniture diffusers...wall...x 4
    wooden diffusers used behind speakers x 2 each side on the front wall
    • Stillpoint Ultra SS
    under my amps
    • Wireworld 'Platinum' Ethernet cable
    • AV Roomservice EVP HDR isolation devices...#6 of the 2" and #16 of the EVP HDR 4" devices
    absolutely great isolation devices that work as advertised and then some. I replaced 5 Symposium Platforms with them..

Comments 142

System edited: Changing a few pcs has made a substantial improvent in the sound.


soliver...yes i have the MK 2 PWD with about 100 hrs on it is a lot better then the previous version.. it still is improving but the difference is amazing. better transient attack..better soundstage..better vocal intonation...better my ears it is a new PS Audio P-10 is also a great product and better then the Audience best conditioners...i have not compared the PWD to other DACs as i chose to go with the PWD from the may be able to get better but it would probably not be as easy to use and set up as the PWD and i can attest to the GREAT professional attention you get at PS Audio...if you find a good place to buy Echole cables i would greatlt appreciate it..thanks..dave


Boy I suck at typing on forums, where is my auto-correct?

I am looking to add 3 Echole Sig PC's and another Sig IC soon.

Have you received your MK2 upgrade for the PWD yet?

Curious as to what your thoughts on the DAC are now? In relation to how it competes against some other DAC's in its range or above in particular.


Owner I understand and you are correct..they are amazing..thanks...I will be slowly replacing my 'obsessions' as I find used / demo versions..dave


Ha, perhaps I mispoke, but you misunderstood me. Either way, as you say the Signature line is really good cable.

So good that if you hear it, then you are left crunching numbers trying to come up with ways to afford it.

Thus I meant your ears have a hard time going back to other cables even if it is the regular Obsession, thus they've been poisoned by the remarkable nature of the cord.

Or like the Sirens song it entrances one with the most beautiful sounds, but crashed you against the rocks in financial ruin, seeking that sound. I jest of course, but again yeah it is really good.


soliver...'don't poison your ears'....hardly....the 'signature' i/c i do have is much my system...then the 'obsession'...and the Echole cables themselves are my system...then the argento cables audio friends agree also.....there is no hard and fast rule as to what will or won't sound good in a given system...



I finally posted a response to your inquiry on my system thread in regards to Echole cabling.

See reply there, but my advice, unless you're seriously considering a purchase, don't poison your ears with the Signature line.


Wow, those are some beautiful speakers!! Very nice system, well done sir!


System edited: the addition of the Isoclean 'Supreme Focus' powercord on my PS Audio P-10 has , again, elevated the sound of the is a great pc..


Charles1dad...when the 'new and improved'...Bartolucci transformers are installed i am told the bass will have more 'punch' and quickness'...and move more air...both of which will be nice...he, Bartolucci, apparently works with Chalice, to , from time to time, improve the transformers as he comes up with, what he thinks, are improvements on his previous long as the upgrades are an 'improvement' and the benefit vs cost is reasonable, then i am all for it.i'll let you know what i hear after they are installed..maybe a month or so..


Yes I suppose there`s always room for improvement, I`d just be curious to know what sonic advancements you`ll notice. Transformer quality can`t be overstated.


Charles1dad...i guess everything can be improved...i can't wait to get the new transformers installed...they are very special..


System edited: the addition of the PS Audio P-10 has greatly quieted the background and cleared up the sound even more.


I thought these amplifiers were already ultra performers, I`m surprised there`s that much more to be gotten out of them. It must be exciting, how much better than they become?


argyro..yes..pres edmunds explained the upgrades to me and they made sense. they have significantly improved the sound. there is one more upgrade to do and that involves replacing the Bartolucci transformers with a newer design that is ~ 40% heavier with thinner laminations and a tighter gap ( more Henry's ) resulting in more output power and better control of the low end.this will also benefit the soundstage and give more dynamics...


Calloway did you do this upgrade after speaking with Chalice?


System edited: have just received my amps back after an upgrade to the input addition of a permanent bias regulator..soft start device ..complete cardas rewiring and other additions..they sound amazing..


System edited: have begun the computer audio journey with the addition of the ps audio PWD.will add the PWT in the near future.


Yes, those Chalice sure are gorgeous.. Vintage look I really love--makes me yearn for one! :)


System edited: since adding the echole cables the sound of the system has improved significantly. next step is some mods to the amps in the next month


Calloway, did you post the video clip of Tidal Contriva Diacera SE on YouTube? I would like to know the piece of music you played in the video clip.


Calloway where do you use the Echoles and where the Argento Flow interconnects?

Happy Listening,



System edited: with the recent addition of the echole i/c...speaker cables and pc the sound is even better..did not think it was possible to improve upon the argento cables but in my system the echoles' have made a significant improvement..


System edited: with the recent addition of the echole cables the sound is even better .....amazing


Excellent Calloway! Dream System! Every component is state of the art!

Happy Listening my friend,



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