Photon, You've taken a similar path as myself, moving from the Maggies to a quality dynamic speaker. (I had also tried Apogee Caliper as well as Eminent Technology LFT-8A's). I find that I do not miss the planar sound at all. At times, I do wish I had a set of the ET's handy to hear.
You've done a nice job on the DIY bass traps, etc.
Kudos to you on a lovely room/system!
By the way, you DO have a room worthy of consideration of projection! Some ticker ideas: The front wall is ideal, if you chose to get slightly lower cabinetry, you could house all your equipment in front like you're doing now. I used Video stands for oversize TV's to set my components on so as to be underneath the screen sufficiently.
You utilize a generous rug. Turn it the other way and you could run cabling underneath it for a projector which could sit ontop a coffee table (or inside, if the table/cabinet is custom or just happens to be perfect for it). You would not need to do the ceiling projection, which would look ghastly. If you did not have the distance for a large screen by placing coffee table in front of sofa, you could move to individual chairs/recliners and place the coffee table inbetween them. That should do the trick.
Price-wise, you could do all this for much less than you'd think. I do not worship at the altar of video; I'm very much a two channel man. But, see my setup where for $2k I have a serviceable large screen rig. For the meager costs, it has been fantastically fun! I did not build my room for visuals, but am exceptionally happy that I did put enough into it that I'm enjoying the A/V aspects of the room. With a bit of planning and not too much money, you could move into a totally different realm of enjoyment and leave the TV behind.
One last thought; if you are totally sold on the quality of the flat pannel tv's, then you'd likley not be satisfied with the big screen projection. My projector was very modest; I'm going to upgrade over time as the technology trickels down. However, I've found that I pay no attention to the "quality" of the image while watching movies, since the "big screen" event feel draws me in. I would much rather have the size aspect as opposed to a smaller, more difficult to see flat screen. The quality can always improve, but if the room/system is trapped spacially, then the size cannot improve. You, however, have freedom to expand the video, especially without those wide-ass Maggies! :-o