
This system is still a work in progress more coming soon.

Components Toggle details

    • B&W 800 Diamond
    All new Bowers & Wilkins 800 Diamond Loudspeakers
    • Mark Levinson No 533H
    Three channel power amplifier
    • Mark Levinson No 326S
    Two-channel reference preamp
    • Cambridge Audio Dacmagic 2
    Great little DAC that I use for my computer based sources, such as my AppleTV and my wife's Apple laptop.
    • Apple AppleTV
    Great music and movie server on the cheap. Sounds best with uncompressed music files paired to a good DAC such as my Cambridge Audio Dacmagic. All of my media, both music and movies, are stored on a RAID system in my home office.
    • Sony Blu-ray player
    Can't recall the model number. Will update later. It's the ES model, that much I remember.
    • GIK Acoustics Tri-Trap
    The Tri-Trap has been effectively designed to absorb more low end, but also does an excellent job of absorbing the high end, creating smooth sound absorption from 50 Hz to 5000 Hz.
    • GIK Acoustics Monster Bass Trap
    With new certified lab tests, the GIK Monster has a rating of 3.00 absorption coefficient at 80 Hz.
    • GIK Acoustics 242 Acoustic Panel
    Ideally mounted at first and secondary reflection points in a room the GIK 242 Acoustic Panel has the same equal absorption as the GIK 244 from 4000Hz down to 250Hz.
    • Transparent Reference Speaker Cable
    8 foot pair of Transparent Reference Speaker Cable between my Mark Levinson No 533H amplifier and Bowers & Wilkins 800D
    • Transparent Reference Interconnects
    All of my components are wired using Transparent Reference interconnects.
    • Transparent Performance HDMI cable
    I use a 40-foot Transparent Performance series HDMI cable to my Anthem D-ILA projector.
    • Omni+ Vent
    Great furniture grade equipment rack that looks more like a vintage post modern piece than it does a hi-fi equipment rack.
    • Revel Ultima Studio2
    Have them installed in my bedroom system, though they often rotate into my reference system.

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System edited: Corrected: Bowers & Wilkins 800 Diamond Series (originally had them listed as 800Ds, which was the previous model loudspeaker) Added: GIK Acoustics room treatments. For clarification I use 4 Tri-traps, 2 Monster Bass Traps and 2 242 Acoustic Panels.


I'm a huge fan of Transparent Reference cables and have been for some time for they're very-ahem-transparent to the source in my humble opinion, though they take some getting used to for they sound rather "lifeless" at first thanks to so many other cables sounding either warm, lean, analytical or vague. Once you get a sense of their sound, or lack thereof, it's hard to use and/or listen with anything else.

Another favorite of mine, albeit far cheaper than Transparent, is Mapleshade. While not as full-bodied as the Transparent they possess the same inner detail and dynamics, though they're just a touch light in the lower registers. Great cables and very affordable.

Thanks for the comment.


System edited: Updated the equipment list. Still a partial list with more on the way.
